Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

The student publications of Marlboro High School

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

MoL Beyond The Cosmos Excerpt: Precursor Occurrences 

View The Full Story And Some Others Here: https://sites.google.com/frhsd.com/themultiverseoflore/home

     “It was a long time back, such a long, long time back. Back in the days when the grass was still green, the ponds were still wet, and the clouds were still clean, and the dog-like creature, some Vin that almost knew how to walk on two legs but had four, still occasionally decided to chew on my seat, some orange furball decided to defend only the trees and then disappeared into the trunk of a furry tree, a weird person said hi-ya and touched an orb with a strange glowy cross before vanishing, and yes, most of these except for that Vin is still present today, it’s simply just not like what it is these days.” began Kimchi, the trio got some sleeping bags and snacks out of their 4D pockets to listen to the story. “However, if you truly want to go back to the root of our origins, let us go back to before we Utopians as a species ever thrived, back to where it all started.” Kimchi used his staff to use light to paint a story, which he uses to make a small little planetoid, which the group recognized as a variant of Earth, which they’ve encountered many times. “We all started here, in the first world we know of. I’m sure you three can recognize it well, the first-ever paradise for sentient beings, a serene paradise for the first forms of life. The creation of such a thing also gave birth to a great Maker, who wanted to have individuals and conflict besides himself, created many elements, but these, these were the first seven natural elements, and so, the Plant, Water, Fire, Ice, Air, Rock, Ground, and Electricity elemental sets all found themselves on the new world. And, there was also Soul, later on.”

Ethan interrupted with “IT’S NOT EIGHT?!?! IT MUST BE EIGHT! That’s the lore of the multiverse- Ok, that’s better, wait, why do I count NINE!?!?.”

Kimchi looked at Ethan, quite annoyed, because he interrupted the story, and had a moment of silence, then continued, “Now, of course, they existed before, but were ultimately scattered in the cosmos, especially Plant and Electric, before Karrat decided to go voyaging to bring us home. Was it created purely by accident? Was this the creation of one almighty god? Questions like these are truly never answered no matter how far Utopians like me searched. The making of your multiversal cluster caused a chain effect on many other places which created the different universes you’ve only just heard about, creating other lifeforms in those places, too. In your world, the people themselves were powerful rulers of the world, quick, strong, and strong beings dominated every land mammal, the largest things in the ocean, even mimicking the giants of the sky, they were all no match for the indomitable human spirit. Like on this world, members of all the universes slowly built themselves up into the great feats of the multiverse, and throughout their development, several mighty demigods kept watch of these places and hoped they would flourish peacefully, it must have been really sweet for them,” said Kimchi with a warm smile. “However, with all sweet and golden ages, they did not last like this, there eventually was a large universal event in one of the universes, the destruction of the very first multiversal Earth. Sometime around this period, the humans possessed never before seen space travel technology, more of that Canon stuff that is both good and evil, and somehow created multiple Earth clones, disrupting the general order of things. Around this time, we discovered that our little multiverse, much larger than your territories, not counting your “time streams” and whatnot, is put into six layers: -1, -2, 0, the Cosmos, the Digiverse, and the Glitch. The Cosmos, the 1st layer, is where we live, it’s where all life forms were supposed to dwell peacefully, or at least, supposed to be peaceful, and of course, it’s anything but currently. The 2nd layer, the Digiverse, is a realm containing a mighty supercomputer and the ongoing data brawl with the firewall and programs versus the viruses and malware, but the virus and malware aren’t teams. The 3rd created layer is the Glitch, the emptiest place… ever, it’s a very cruel damnation for all living beings and programs, where demons and such come from. And, there are also layers -1, -2, and 0. Remember these places, I will come back to them,” Remy got out more notes and wrote the names down. Kimchi shined a bit more light and started explaining again, “Meanwhile, humans took advantage of their technologies to make and find the other earths in their system, as well as some other realms and such with other earths, while Utopians outside that 1111-universe had decided to live in peace. However, as Karrat decided to leave on a long voyage… what the Utopians suddenly lacked was one true leader, there has been evidence of an old Meme God deity-like being that was a metaphysical alien with some other buddies ruling over the realms together; it was mainly the first one doing the ruling but the others didn’t seem to listen to him, probably because he wasn’t very strict on the order of things, he was a very forgiving god with no uppercase requirement, as he was quite chill on that, which would’ve worked if the humans paid attention to his teachings. He did snap and lose it a few times though, along with his buddies, and they punished the world so many times with natural disasters and whatnot. Some event broke out where all the deities destroyed one another, and Karrat only showed up later on, with only historical records from the wrecked worlds… I digress. Just like human nature, Utopian nature is a confusing and split topic, some are free-thinkers, some prefer the ways of old, but most agree, without the blissful guidance of a powerful deity or leader to keep things in check, there were cases where people sought power, satisfaction, pleasure, the suffering of others, dominance, and willingness to trample others in their way, this meant that there was no one true leader, and anyone who tried to rise would be trampled by someone else. And thus, the many, many battles of the human world began to take place, and conflicts on many other worlds as well. However, it can be argued that humans, with their creative potential, caused the most damage.” Kimchi used his staff to depict many people being destroyed by some kind of ongoing war, with haunting illusions and echoing screams in the background. “Your world, Earth-0 OG Canon. World War… Three.” 

“Wait, no that’s not entirely accurate.” stated Remy, “What about the REBOOT, we have a stable government now! Only problem is that we still haven’t decided on what to rebrand ourselves as, and so we keep changing organization names.”

“Exactly!” angrily stated Ethan, “For both points Remy gave! How dare you depict us as such savages! Even if we were… we can always do better later.” Kimchi sighed, 

“Well, humans, which you still are, betray your allies as soon as your interests differ too much, and also, there must be SOME reason why almost every single kind of eldritch horror thoroughly decides to attack your universe of all places, am I wrong? They clearly despisedon’t like the order you created, or they want what you have for themselves.” Vincent sat there and paused for a second. All the while, Ethan’s screeching into Remy’s ear, and Remy is sympathetically nodding.

“Okay, yeah, I guess that makes sense, they just want us to finally shut up for twelve seconds, continue,” admitted Vincent. (With Ethan solidly shaking his head.) Kimchi went back to the story. 

“Karrat, also known as the Maker in old paintings found by the pillar of light, which I will tell you about later, had used his power and took eight universes and made them border the Human Realm to protect the humans. These nine realms would become known as the first layer, the Cosmos. Karrat also made the universal barrier, a giant purplish-green wall separating each universe from the others. Then, he made the other two more layers, the Digiverse and Glitch, by accident, but finding himself unwilling to undo its growth, he made other layers to counter it, finally making his place to live in, layer 0, after dropping another eighteen phase universes to protect the main world, which would all overlap with the -1, -2, 1, 2, and 3 layers. And thus, this unified multiverse was born, each with their own equally powerful demigod with their own personal journey. Some seek glory, others redemption, and one is just really attracted to their apprentices.” 

Vincent interrupted, surprised,

“Wait, what the-” Kimchi ignored him and continued anyway.  

“Anyways… These are the demigods of each world. Yememotus, the master, molder, and sculptor of The Terra Worlds, is a stern, serious, powerful archmage. He is not physically existing right now, however, during his life, told Karrat he had a second body hidden inside a moon somewhere, and he trusted Karrat not to tell anyone, but since Karrat told us this, we feel that we can tell you. The Vin known as Prizey, a prototype Vin crafted by Karrat specifically to harness massive amounts of exotic energy in preparation for creation of Soul Utopians, had awakened his powers using that Canon of a mortal from your world, that Tushaar, and conquered Yememotus for preparing to attack the Legacyverse, which I believe is your given name to that dimension, for Tushaar had changed the cycle of Utopian life forever. Prizey in his soul form also attacked Yememotus along with other reasons such as… Yememotus is an authoritarian ruler and not feeding Prizey and the Utopians by accident during the Great Feast year, which was a one-off thing anyways. As punishment, Karrat sealed Prizey’s power and his memories before leaving Prizey somewhere. We can’t recognize him though, because most Vins look generic before they choose an element. Karrat Shauul (Once Karat Soul), the one who took the existing elements of Plant, Water, Ice, Fire, Air, Rock, Electricity, and Soul to make a paradise known as Utopia, the planet I and my people dwell on. Laser Devil, the ruler of a Desolate Wasteland, worlds of rubble and deadly creatures. He has been broken into pieces for generations but is still deadly as he was before. Plasmonkey, the strongest fighter of the Land of the Primitives and animal kingdoms, is usually the one who saves the day. The Creator of the Human Realm, a forgotten hope for most of his universe’s inhabitants, still forgives and is hopeful for them. Giganticus, a master of a gigantic flying machine, constructed his own universe manually. He calls it ‘Universe: Remade’ and wants to keep it for all living beings. Humoros, the King of all jokes, the master of the hee hee’s, the lord of comedy who has kept a large gallery of every single joke… ever. JPX is a so-called slow developer of the Asylum, a large freakish game show-like world where everyone kills each and respawns, making it very strange indeed. True Djungels God, the ruler of a comically large planet with giant teddy bears called ‘Skogs. He is one god that makes every one of its followers tremble at its might and challenges any opposing him to a duel. We are not quite sure of the histories of these realms, but we do know the history of our planet of Utopia, a world Karrat made, the one we live on. He made a place for all the rectangle creatures to be born from, a giant pillar of light. The elements got their own elementals and their own tribes in different parts of the world, all bordering each other and living peacefully. From those elements the sub-elements were created, these include Crystal, Metal, Radiation, Lava/Magma, Wind, Fuel/Oil, Shadow, and Steam/Plasma. These new sub-elements could not survive on their own, so they each bonded with a natural element and became their known counterpart, the ones that came later on just made their camp in some tucked-away underground area. Besides this minor inconvenience, everything in Utopia was doing fantastic, it was a perfect place for all elementals, and the only thing missing was someone to rule the planet, so Karrat created the elemental guardian to watch over the naturals and sub-elements. But something strange happened when nobody was looking, something deep down below, the aching corruption down from the glitch was preparing to strike Utopia. We aren’t quite sure how, but they somehow managed to ascend to the upper parts and eventually reached the surface world, layer 1, probably helped by some kind of high-speed blast that destroyed part of the barrier between those three layers, leaving room for infiltration. These new corrupted forces brought down the elemental guardian and converted it into a corrupt powerhouse, threatening all the life in Utopia. However, we elementals weren’t going to give in to this unknown force and united to defeat a common enemy, and Karrat himself panicked and helped out too. He also brought along two legendary figures known as Thantrick, who manifested under universal calamity, and the All-Seer to fight alongside him. Turns out Karrat was also using Prizey as a battery the whole time, and so now Prizey was also depowered of his hidden energy that Karrat had given him. Anyways, the battle went down in multiversal history as the greatest fight the gods have ever seen that ended with the guardian being sealed off somewhere underground and its corrupted status temporarily dampened, not removed. Not even the Utopians and Vins that live or venture deep underground know of where the guardian could be now. Since the guardian was supposed to be the ruler of Utopia and now it’s gone, we didn’t have anyone else to lead us, but Karrat for some reason didn’t notice, he must have been weakened after fighting the Dark Guardian. He was off in the unified, not united, unified multiverse rebalancing stuff and was trying to find the source of the corruption, and the planet broke into states, starting the elemental war. These were very dark times, elementals fighting each other to rule the others, especially the Fire elementals, who had developed a sort of hatred for other, weaker elementals, it was madness! Karrat soon came back, looked at this in horror, and remembered the pillar of light in the center of Utopia and used it, along with the information he gleaned from Prizey, to create a lot of new “pure” elementals or ‘Soul’ as some, well, most, call them. These new pure Utopians quickly realized what was going on around them and made the elemental tribes listen to a higher power. These fellows were able to charge up powerful laser beams that vaporized anything caught in the blast, which made everyone listen to them. They also got a little carried away with their power and accidentally nearly drove the element of Crystal to extinction even though they were neutral, which was sad for some of the elements. One of these pure Utopians, named Rob-Lock, had some kind of superiority complex and tried to become the one ruler of Utopia instead of all the pures taking care of the tribes, which displeased Karrat greatly. Rob-lock also was the one who, during the “Calming”, destroyed the elements of Energy, Gas, Ore, and almost Crystal, too, but they escaped with the last of their allies’ energy to a new region between the allied Metal and Radiation tribes. Overall, during the conflicts Rob-lock started, the known major casualties consisted of Energy, Gas, Ore, Sand, Snow, Mud, Hail, Marsh, Sludge, Swamp, Pollution, Magma, Poison/Fungi, Ground, Radioactivity, with Radioactivity being saved by Canon brought by… wait, that’s for later, and finally, Rob-lock almost successfully eliminated all the awakened Soul Elementals. not to mention those lost from the other elemental tribes. The other tribes mourned for a great time. In the meantime, Rob-Lock refused to listen to Karrat, he had created a powerful Soul Scepter that was even more powerful than most Utopian’s soul energy and didn’t care for any of Karrat’s “ramblings”. He threatened his people and the tribes to work for him and grow his empire or they shall be executed via scepter-launched death ray. Even Karrat now lacked the strength to stop him, having had his power sapped and thoroughly drained by evil space cloud beings, which were defeated by some mysterious deities that looked like a giant chunk and something that was later explained to us by Karrat as a generational Vigatorian ship, those who settled somewhere near your worlds. Meanwhile… a small group of pure Utopians were fed up with Rob’s ego and nonadherence to their race’s given mission, managed to break the scepter, meaning Rob had to fix it, and fled to a faraway field, where they made their new base and are now called the Happy Town. They have been given word from Karrat himself that one day, somebody will arrive in Utopia to crumble Rob’s empire and restore peace onto Utopia, but until then, we are all still waiting for a change. We have all played our part, and now it’s time to play yours, get some allies from the distant tribes, and go back to fight Rob-lock to save us all, that’s why people have been are calling you a saviors, they think Karrat sent you to save them.” 

“We met those guys shortly before arriving here, they seem to think very highly of us, we’re pretty good at making friends, I guess,” said Remy, who stood up and was willing to take a stand

“Then it is settled, you boys go out there, for all elementals, and don’t forget to get some new allies from the tribes! The tribes are mostly all connected, so just keep driving north and you’ll reach the rest of them,” announced Kimchi one final time.

“Okay, we will, REBOOT, move out!” shouted Vincent confidently. “Also… can you un-vine our cart so we can get going, I frankly don’t want to run all the way back there.”

“That’s my phrase to say, not yours…” Ethan intoned. 

“Oh, of course, yeah, sorry about that,” said Kimchi politely, who threw the golf cart from the entrance of Nature’s Peace all the way to his temple without damaging it. Remy started up the golf cart car again and drove out of the plant elemental’s tribe, ready to go great the rest. Ethan looked around to make sure nobody was looking before leaving a bag of the best fertilizer he had. A plant Utopian came in and smelled it, dazzled by the amazing nutritional scent. Kimchi rushed over to check it out himself. He took a handful and placed it on a baby seed. Suddenly, a massive vine grew up and touched the clouds, with leaves sprouting in all directions, and a calming scent. “Guess he wasn’t so bad after all,” Kimchi thought… before seeing the “Made from artificial fiery chemicals (and your worst enemies)!” sign.

“Dang it. Guess I was wrong.” Meanwhile, the team had much to discover and run into, and the new adventure was just beginning,


During the many wars and conflicts as your MANCM rose, yes, a portion of humans had gone into quarantine due to Covid-310 and waited for the conflicts to end on the sidelines, as they had been asked to do so after intervening in one mighty battle at the request of one. Many were quiet and were hopeless for their realm, but one who went into quarantine had other plans, he knew that there was much more out there, other universes that deserve the humans’ attention, but nobody knows when or where to start. However, he knew that nobody in the world of the Legacyverse would take him seriously or support his idea and that if he were to go, somebody else would take his title and get credit for his findings, so he decided to evacuate at the heart of a particularly bad winter using an alien saucer, or as it is, an orb pod. It was a risky opportunity, but it did work out. This man of genius and bravery was Sir Tushaar.”

“Hey I know somebody with that name, do you have a picture for reference?” asked Vincent politely. 

“Oh sure, we’ve kept track of most of the universal events thus far!” said Kimchi who walked over (His legs were quite organic and humanlike, as Utopian’s body type is very similar to humans even after they choose elements. The only difference is that the bodies are then covered in that element. In Kimchi’s case, he got something that looked like walking-assist vines wrapped comfortably around him, with some bark decorative armor and a flowing leaf cape, with some vines sticking out in places.) to get a portrait of “Tushar/Tusharr/Tushaar”, who, somewhat surprisingly, looks exactly like the quite recognizable Tushaar Vincent knew from the Legacyverse, where Sameer, Arjun, Sameer, and Anton also resided.

“What… How?? Where the heck did you learn about this guy?” demanded Ethan confused, 

“Very old records of video tapes recovered from his early expeditions. he got tired of being left behind by three others named Arjun, Sameer, and Anton,” answered Kimchi. 

“Oh really? Beaver dam… Sounds like the person I know,” said Vincent, amazed. Kimchi cleared his throat to continue the story. 

“Tushaar, along with the others, had a massive transfusion of this Canon in him, and that allowed him to survive passing the barrier. You owe some of your technology to us, and therefore, to him. Tushaar knew that it would be dangerous to travel alone and he needed some kind of ally to assist him to write his journals, so when searching for a companion, he found a rectangle creature, a being of pure innocence. Tushaar was astonished by the beauty of this creature and named him Prizey, an intelligent four-legged animal that could use its soul to travel between realms. The lands Sir Tushaar and Prizey, who was keeping communication with Tushaar through some machine while supplying Tushaar’s ship with never-before-seen levels of speed, found… were worlds of the most ethereal possibilities, rows of Earths, lands of rubble, massive animal kingdoms, a mechanical dimension, a universe of emptiness, and a gigantic planet, which were all just a piece of the distant lands from the Human Realm. The two wanted to find a way to keep the Human Realm, which I suppose has a different name now, in peace and went on a large and eventful journey to do so. The journey lasted several long-lasting months and eventually ended in a universe called the Terra Worlds, once completing this quest they were able to contact/manifest the incredible figure known as Karrat Shauul, the great deity-god of a flourishing realm. 


Before we say anything, Tushaar did go home after six months. Few missed him, but he never got the time to find the barrier again, since somebody gave him a lot of makeup schoolwork, and his “employer” gave him a lot of side projects… he went home as there was some issue with an evil space cloud that was attempting to eat planets. Tushaar had saved the Radiation Elementals, stored the data of the Ground Elementals for the future, assisted the Soul Elementals in defeating the traitorous Rob-lock, and was found out by Ethan, who was not happy… until Tushaar gave all the data. Afterwards, the last transmission from Vincent, before the technology became inoperable, was that Ethan had told Tushaar to store all the data gained from his adventure, and to keep it in a USB with him for as long as possible.


“Hey, I know when I said that to Tushaar before I caught up with the others after the space cloud incident! The data survived until now, because I kept it in each successive plot-proof box!”


“I am Annihilator!!! I WILL ANNIHILATE FATE ITSELF AND BE FREE!!!!! I WILL WRITE MY DESTINY – Who… are… you?” (Looks at a random civilian who seems strangely odd. Off. Very wrong-) “You will never be free. You seek to destroy the Great Eight to gain your freedom, thinking that perfect beings are the only ones who can harness their power to be free. But you miscalculated. You know you are broken yourself. But guess what? I. Am. More. BROKEN. THAN. YOU…” (Slice.) “You overdid it.” “It’s what you would’ve done if you liked theatrics more!”

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