Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

The student publications of Marlboro High School

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

MoL Beyond the Cosmos: The Exploration Arc (Modified)

Read Beyond The Cosmos and it’s predecessors Here


some time in the future, around a decade from now, after the Universe seemingly silenced itself, a man named Vincent became interested in the ends of the Multiverse. For most, a long time has passed, but for one guy, it didn’t feel like that. It seemed almost impossible for there not to be something since, throughout human history, more and more and more get discovered, and It feels great when you first uncover something. Also, in most cases, an explorer’s motive is factored by their dissatisfaction with their current world, seeing how humans as a species have brought many disappointments. Having this thought, Vincent spent most of his days in an underground bunker. It has a large whiteboard with many different theories, speculations, and whatnot, a complete map of his universe, and a strange space forklift since Vincent’s a big fan of unique designs.

But most importantly, the times in the bunker were hours of planning and pondering: What could be at the end? A giant wormhole? The other end of the universe? A black hole? Or something else? Vincent stared at the colossal bulletin board he had been building for the past, however long the last was, and reflected on himself. 

“Man, all of these theories, these strange puzzles I’m slowly finding pieces of, it’s frustrating trying to find a true answer, but it’s also kind of harmonizing,” Vincent said to himself while writing in his log. “Constantly searching for an answer to this universal phenomenon keeps me from boredom; it means that there’s more to explore, more journeys to partake in, more people to befriend; after all, I have to do something with these next years.” Vincent typed in his log before standing up again and preparing for his expedition. “I wonder if anyone is gonna discover this place while I’m gone.” Vincent spoke to himself, “Nah, this place is too secret to be found so easily,” he said before walking out of his bunker and outside.


 Before going on his expedition, Vincent got in a regularly shaped spaceship to visit his ally, Ethan, in Orthanos III, an outer planet. Ethan was taking a break from all his hard work, and phone is getting constant notifications about the citizens who live there, but Ethan simply doesn’t care too much since he is technically the overseer of the realm. Ethan notices Vincent landing his ship onto Orthanos III and gladly goes to greet him after not seeing him for a while, then looking out towards the horizon and playing relaxing music on his jukebox.

 “Hey, Ethan, how’s your vacation going?” asked Vincent.

“It’s been alright so far; it’s weird not to be piloting a ship or fighting aliens after doing it for so long,” replied Ethan. “I’m tempted to go blast some asteroids or something. I’m BORED!!!”

“Yeah, I’ve been there before with school, sports, all that stuff; this is one of the brightest parts of life, right? Finally, being free and going to explore,” stated Vincent with some glee.

“I don’t know about the last part, though; this is peaceful and all, but I know this is gonna get boring; I’ve already checked off most of the stuff on my vacation plan, now what?” repeated Ethan, then suddenly everything went quiet. After staring at the horizon for another minute, Vincent remembers why he visited.

“Oh yeah, Ethan, I was planning to try some exploration with the end of the universe and stuff to see if I could find some otherworldly things and maybe colonize it too,” exclaimed Vincent. The calm music on Ethan’s jukebox suddenly cuts.

“Umm… what? You’re being serious?!” Ethan responded, confused and afraid. “That’s surprisingly the least confusing thing we’ve tried to do yet, but honestly, constantly dealing with new villains after multiple years gets exhausting.” 

Seems like Ethan wasn’t all that interested in whatever Vincent was trying to do, which Vincent was okay with. “I mean, I’m not turning your idea down. I just don’t want to put myself in danger like that,” explained Ethan, looking over to turn his music back on, “But if you find anything cool, tell me and Remy, and we’ll be glad to help!” 

Ethan turns back around and immediately finds Vincent already gone and going to begin his journey. 

“Well damn, I didn’t know he was that excited about his new ship,” said Ethan to himself. Vincent optimistically flies back to his bunker and walks towards his glorious flying space forklift. He was psyching himself up for this journey for a while, and now there’s nothing to stop him.  

“There must be something out there interesting,” said Vincent to himself. “If there is anything out there.” 

It had been clear that Vincent was the only one going on this mission. Of course, he would’ve brought some other of his close friends there, however, it seemed that nobody else was interested.  It was quite disappointing, but he’s gotten over it. Vincent starts the ship, or should I say, lift up. Vincent watches the various components of his creative power go online, and a see-through protection surrounds and protects him. 

Vincent then goes through his checklist and tries to imitate an incredible sci-fi scene. “Let’s see here… steering systems, check. Rocket thrusters, clear. Radome… functioning. Ludicrous sci-fi swirly hatch closed. Universe map, ready, laser cannons, prepared. Light speed works… I’ve tested it. Comms secured. Alright, I’m ready for this.” 

The protagonist now begins the expedition. 


The forklift drifts at ultra-speed, but the system is not secure and quickly fails, stopping the ship many miles away from the end.

 “Oh, come on! Why does this keep failing?!” angered Vincent. For some reason, his ship can only handle a few seconds of light speed, making the journey to the outer end much longer and more boring. There’s not much in the void of space besides some asteroids, some excellent stars, and maybe some broken parts of previous planets, but that was all a long time ago; it’s time to move on now. After some boring driving, his GPS says that he’s arrived at the end. “Hey, finally, I’m here!” exclaimed Vincent, facing a seemingly black wall of nothing. “Well, it’s time for the moment of truth. This is what I’ve been waiting for, right? I sure hope this is worth it”. Alas, the ship finally pushes through the barrier of the universe, which works surprisingly, revealing the purple interior of the barrier. As Vincent passes through, he notices some white orbs of light move through the inner border, like blood cells traveling through the body. Some of them even bump into the forklift but don’t seem to damage it at all.

Vincent immediately gets this on the recording to show Ethan and the rest of the crew. The shields hold, but something is decreasing their power… Vincent looks in the back and sees the mini deer messing with the rear controls. The forklift drifts out of the barrier, and Vincent ends up in… a different universe. Vincent glazes. “So this is what lies beyond my world. This expedition is gonna be great!” The average person would find Vincent crazy, maybe even a bit stupid to say that, and would say something like, ‘This is the same universe. You’re wasting your time.’ However, Vincent notices a lot of vibrantly colored stars, some glowing space rocks, and even a sizeable purple mass of geometric shapes. He gets a little lost, staring into a beautiful yet empty space of nothingness.


 “Y’know, It’s a wonder how no one else tried this-” Vincent’s sentence gets cut off when strange, otherworldly entities materialize in front of Vincent’s Space Forklift. (Outskirts roamers). These creatures look like something out of an old arcade game, with a red outline and black overalls, and quickly classify Vincent as an outsider. They quickly begin firing at the forklift, making some bizarre sounds. These strange bolts start to rack up some hits on Vincent, which probably explains why nobody who ever tried to explore the outskirts of the multiverse returned, but Vince wasn’t going down without a fight. While making his ship, he designed it to have swift dodging capabilities, a super quick fire rate, and piercing bolts. Our hero retaliates with the forklift’s double laser cannons and quickly blasts down each of these ruthless enemies. More and more enemies gather around to shoot down Vincent, quickly escalating into a total brawl. Vincent kept fighting like he was playing a first-person shooter with 9 hours of sleep, which allowed him to keep up with the madness. Seeing this fool try to act like a fabulous main character, the roamers try to pace with Vincent’s speed, start teleporting every few seconds, and shoot quicker, but Vincent still holds his ground with high movement speed and charges up laser blasts. The charged laser pierced through multiple aliens at once, thinning out their numbers almost instantly. “This all you little aliens got?!” shouted Vincent powerfully, “Come on, give me a challenge!” then the roamers teleport away, or so it seems. “Wait, they’re just gone? Well, alright then, I can go explore that purple mass.”

Vincent said, dropping his guard. Suddenly, a portal opens before him, and a larger, more menacing alien appears. This outskirt roamer has two hollow white eyes and a prominent jaw. “This must be their leader, alright then, I’m up for it,” spoke Vincent, and the actual battle began! Vincent uses his fast-fire lasers, while the alien uses powerful orbs and a massive jaw. He also sends more of his goons to aid him in the fight. It’s a very intense dogfight (or space fight?), with the forklift taking several hits, but Vincent remains resilient. Vincent thinks for a moment in this battle and considers how to end it by destroying the leader, and he gets to do just that. Vincent charges up a high-powered blast that will instantly kill the thing, even though he’s being hit by the smaller Roamers. Right out of his eye, Vincent notices something: a planet! And one he hasn’t seen before and is curious to see what’s in it. The boss thing fires a solid beam at the protagonist; he dodges and fires a fully charged blast that cripples and neutralizes it significantly. Vincent’s guard let down for a bit, which allowed the Roamer to damage his forklift. “Well, that ain’t good. Maybe I should remember what happened today to upgrade my ship for later. Mental drawing goes brrr-” Vincent prepares for a crash landing on the new planet while the roamers presume him dead and vanish.

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