Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

The student publications of Marlboro High School

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

Hitching Post and Kaleidoscope

El Silbon


“WHERE ARE WE JACK?!” Yelled Mark, my friend. His face was covered in dirt. “WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. WITH NOTHING IN THIS PLAC-”

“SHUT UP!” I yelled, the echo went through the grasslands and maybe a random town.


“Buenos Dias Senor” said a young boy 

“Buenos DIas” the old man was about to say before he heard-




I stood up at Mark, resisting the urge to commit a felony… Then anger took over me and I started running to him. I then slipped because there was a rock nearby, I landed with a swift thud and was face deep in dirt. Mark just stared, then picked me up and walked me to our broken car. He then burst out laughing and I soon joined in. 

“My God! That- That- was the funniest thing ever. Yo-y- HAHAHHAHAHA!” 

“Don’t even start, I- Heh, heh HAHHAHAHHAHA”

We did this for 5 minutes. We can be so angry at each other that we want to end each other but when we almost do it, we just laugh.“That was just like 1st grade,” Mark said. After the laughing ended and the situation we are stuck in suddenly  seeped in our numb skulls Mark then said:

“Oh, wait… WE ARE STUCK IN SOME RANDOM DESOLATE PLACE WITH NO HELP IN SIGHT!” He yelled in a panic really fast. One thing to know about Mark is that when he is scared, he speaks super fast and loud. “OHMYGODWHATDOWEDOWEARESODUMBANDIWILLDIEEVENIFILIVEBECAUSEMYMOMWILLKILLMEANY-” I shook him and he snapped out of it, except he fell back on the truck because he was still a bit numb. 

“Mark, It’s okay. I know the trip sort of failed but we can just go to a nearby town. Lemme see…” I pulled out a map and looked at the surrounding towns in our location. I didn’t see a town but instead a bridge which would lead down to one, 4 Miles away. 



A young boy was in bed lying, hungry. He got up and walked in his hut looking around and saw his mother and father. The minute he walked in, his mother and father gave him some food and gave him a kiss on the cheek with smiles on their lips. It was no secret the Lopez family loved their son, some claimed he was spoiled but what’s a family without spoiling the youngest of the child? They fed him some food. The mothers signature chili and pepper casserole, the boy’s favorite. The boy finished but was still hungry so he banged the table. 

“Papa. Can I have some deer meat.” the boy asked kindly. The father walked over and ruffled his hair. 

“Yes, but don’t bang the table next time. You need good manners. Also give me some time.” The boy obeyed but when the father turned around the son looked at him with a scowl but the mother and father didn’t notice. The little boy then left and went to do his chores, which were very little because even if the boy wanted to do chores his mother would not let him. The mother then looked at her pot with food but the fire wasn’t on. But this was no trouble, she just moved her finger a little with some unintelligible words and set the wood under the pot on fire. She then happily stirred.


Mark and I walked down the grassy plains while dragging our supply of essentials. Walking with both our bags was difficult as they were filled to the brim with food, knives, water, and some cooking utensils. Mark kept complaining about everything.

“JACK! We need to REST! LET’S SIT DOWN.”


This continued for about 2 hours, by then we had 2.5 more miles because Mark kept stopping us complaining about the sun. 


“FINE!” and he got back up and started walking for a long time. Only for the bag to split from a nearby rock. 

‘MARK!” I yelled with all my might, with veins throbbing and fists clenched. “PICK IT UP!” He grabbed all the food and started grabbing it in his hand and put some in the unopened part of the bag. I then heard a very loud whistle. Mark and I looked at each other.

We probably left most of the food that split from the bag but we did not care.  

We stopped at an area while it was midnight and we grabbed our knives and held our food, only peppers and some eggs. I got ready to cook while Mark got ready to set up a very scuffed tent for us. I checked my watch, it told us where we were from miles away. We were about 1 mile away but even I had to admit we had to stop for a while because we ran so fast that our energy was gone. I gathered wood and sat at the tent making a scuffed omelet while Mark held the knife to make sure whoever whistled stayed away. I then finished and started eating. Mark soon joined in. 

A faint whistle played. It wasn’t a big deal we thought. Then we heard steps and something jumped at us. 


The boy was busy working on a special wood project. He was working happily waiting for his father to give him dear meat. The father then returned and sat down where the boy was working. 

“I’m sorry son, I didn’t find any meat at all. Maybe next time.” The father told him solemnly. 

The silence that followed was deafening. The boy’s face was full of hatred as he stared at his confused fathers face. 

“Son, Its okay will get it next time-”

5 seconds later a clank and thud.

The mother finished the lunch she made for her son and went to the place where the son was working.

She saw him next to his project. 

The plate she was holding broke as it fell to the floor. 

She ran to her son with fury as he stood doing nothing but relaxing.

“YOU! HOW-HOW-” Her voice broke. Anger then seemed to control her, she raised her hands and spoke some unintelligible words. Some sort of substance was around the son and the son looked around with a scared expression. Then, one of the substances became a shard and dived straight at the son. The son covered himself with hands but the shard still went through him. But he was still alive, he looked down with the shard in his body. He then felt a great pain and so started screaming. 

After the screams he fell to the floor and the substances disappeared. He stared at his mother with confusion. 

“Wha-wha-WHAT DID YOU DO?!” He yelled in a panic. His mother responded with:

“Live with your mistake, Live forever and let your body rot as it goes. Your appearance, charred. You are banished from this house GO! NOW! AND GET OUT MY SIGHT!”

The son ran away from the house. As he left, his body ended becoming skinner and skinner. He then went far away from the hut and found a spot to sit. He then realized he was hungry, a great hunger. He never noticed his body was now just bones with some skin to keep it together as he went to a nearby deer family. The family of 7 didn’t notice him at all as he snuck to them and then attacked. That night he had a huge dinner yet each bite he ate felt as though his body just made it disappear. He ate more and more but his hunger was not satisfied, even the normal disgust you would feel from eating this much did not stop him. He then knew what she also did.

He could never ever be full in life.  

After 3 generations he was starved but still alive so he went to get deer meat. He spoke to himself saying “I wish father was here” and saw a nearby child. He had no interest in it but then saw a mother and father walk to it, speaking to him in kind voices. Jealousy rose in him and he wanted to scare the mother and father. Maybe even attack. He thought of something better, a nice whistle his father did when he found meat. He whistled. Very faintly.

The mother and father looked at each other and at the bush. He jumped out and tried to attack them but then saw them holding a basket of chilis. He looked at them, a crucial ingredient from his mothers great casserole. A great reminder of what happened in that hut 3 generations ago.  The family ran while the boy looked at himself and the basket and mangled hat they left behind. 

He left solemnly with the nearby hat while the family that saw him ran and told the nearby town about the creature. How it looked he was scared of chilis so they left it with him. Soon the legend spread, they called him El Silbon. 

The whistler.


The thing jumped at us and I lept away. Mark wasn’t lucky. He got hit and fell to the floor, the creature raised its hands to attack him. I saw a nearby stick so I then picked it up and swung at the creature which caused it to fall away from Mark. I picked Mark up and nodded to him. He understood. Get out of here right now. We backed away slowly. We then saw it get up and then start running to us. I swung the stick again and he fell back. We then ran as fast as we could and then got to the bridge. The town was just across so we started yelling, Mark then took out his knife and put his back against mine so that way we were protected front and back. People started to run to us but then that weird creature then started running to us again with its claw raised. I then saw what it truly was. 

My god was it horrifying.
It was some kind of freak that had extremely long nails, long and lanky body, and a mangled hat on its head. It looked starved and beyond human. I then moved Mark out of the way because he was facing the monster and I swung at it. 

I missed it. 

My bag contents flew everywhere, the concrete floor hit my head and I could feel some slight bleeding. The monster looked at me and then started to raise its hand slowly. Mark then tried to hit it but it swung its claws and Mark then fell to the ground with a yell.  It then grabbed me up and started to walk away with me slowly. I tried to fight it but it raised its claws up high and looked at me. 

I stopped.

I didn’t know what to do. We were just about to head off the bridge and into the darkness when suddenly it looked at my torn bag. He looked at some of the food and then at me. He dropped me and then left into the darkness.

Some of the townsfolk already came to me and Mark and started picking Mark and I up. I don’t remember the next part because I then fainted. 


El Silbon walked away from the bridge. He sat next to a nearby rock. He looked at the chili. A tiny voice in his head said to him

“You should just admit it. Admit the truth! You instead are a pathetic loser who just does whatever he wants. Acting as though he is in a terrible state which he can’t reverse when he knows he can. Why do you even act this way? Is it because of…” The voice seemed to bend closer to his ear and whispered 

“Of your family?”

He got up in a rage and bellowed to no one

“I act however I like! No one can stop me! It’s not like I even care about…” He looked at his body then looked back  up as if he was staring at someone “My body! OR MY FAMILY FOR THAT MATTER! I WAS BLESSED BY MY MESS OF A MOTHER WHO WANTED TO CURSE ME. I DON’T CARE ABOUT THEM! They can all rest while I enjoy life!” El Silbon then walked away from the rock and angrily grabbed his hat. He stepped on the chili on the way. He then climbed a tree and started rubbing some dust in his hands.

He never knew it but the voice that spoke to him was nearby. 

“Father, why so strict?” Said a women “My son can be told kindly”

“Sometimes being harsh works. It’s what he deserves anyway and what he thinks too.” Said a old man “What do you think miguel?”

A young man was sitting on a rock. He said nothing.

“I know it’s harsh Elena but I know he will change his mind one day and join us. Just how long…”

They then left El Silbon rubbing his hands.


I woke up in the hospital. I looked around and then heard:

“Ah, Sir! You’re awake! I hope you are okay.” I looked around and saw a Venezuelan man look at me kindly. “We saw you fight El Silbon. You put up a great fight. I have never seen such bravery. Everybody in the village wants your autograph!”

He opened a door and people just stormed in. Everybody started talking at once and started asking for autographs. Then Mark woke up. 

He ended up getting injured because so many people bombarded him.

After a while, people left with our autographs and the doctor finally came over and told us what happened to us. Mark was left with some scratch marks on his face but could be healed and could go away. I was also okay with only the back of my head being covered in a bandage. Other than that we were fine. The doctor then congratulated us for fighting El Silbon. I then finally asked

“Who is El Silbon?” and the reaction I got was surprise. 

“You fought him… WITHOUT ANY IDEA WHO HE WAS!?” Said the doctor “YOU-HOW-”

“Please explain who he is please…” I asked, exasperated. 

“Okay. Well, El Silbon is a lost soul who scares people by whispering. If his whistle is loud, he is far away but can sense you. If it is faint, He is close. He mainly attacks people just for fun but is surprisingly scared of chilis. He just stops moving and leaves. We were close to the area where he attacks so we alway have chilis everywhere. He has been a problem but I think you have scared him for a while! Good job to you!”

“Ok…” I said. I couldn’t believe Mark and I managed to fight a lost soul. Then again, it was the most freakish thing ever so maybe it was one. I then thanked the doctor and grabbed Mark and we left the hospital. We then went around asking to buy a car but people gave us one for free because we were heroes. We then got some more food and water and went into our car. We then decided to just head to the nearest airport and get back to the USA. We started driving. Mark then spoke

“That was one of the scariest things I ever experienced.” 

I just nodded.

We then continued along the road and just sat in silence. 

I gripped the wheel and we went down the road, it then led to gravel and we were soon at the airport and we booked a flight. 

My God, was it an adventure.

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