
Eden Aulov

Ghostly hands embrace my body

Flake around my waist and neck 

Apparitions’ tears stain my eyes, invisible 

Falter down my face and trek

Patterns into my skin

If I had freckles, they would latch on 


Feelings were proof I was there.

I still feel hair resting on mine 

Platonic love, strong,

One of mind,

Goodbyes are always wrenching,

Make me see, 

People make up a home.

Sobs wracked our bodies 

Even now, tears prickle in my eyes,

Relinquishing my love,

Leaving prints,


Camping out 

My hippocampus holds you like a secret,

A fabled dream,

As if it never happened.

Goodbyes, like a knife, slice through the membrane,

Yet I’m grateful.

Goodbyes open doors to hellos,

Tears turn to sobs of greeting,

Satisfaction in the bosom, 

Ending my yearning, hope, missing.

I would say goodbye a million times if it

Gave way to a million hellos,

Million smiling, relief-filled hugs

And dreams set into stone. 

Another hello sits on the tip of my tongue.

Soon will come its freedom;

Goodbye will emancipate it 

Once more.