Time Heist

Ethan Ng

The Time Heist Trilogy, the first part:

(The night was dark and dusty, with the moon clearly visible in the clear sky. James Earnthardt seems to glide across the desert, passing by cacti and vultures, who fly overhead making their strange, unearthly noises. His horse trots along the sand dunes, moving swiftly and quietly across the cool sand. His horse canters to a stop and looks around. Suddenly rapid firing is heard. The sheriff sees a flash of metal zing past his nose, narrowly missing him. The vultures circling overhead are frightened and fly away. The sheriff (James) glances at his pistols in his belt, grasps the reins of his horse “Blaze”, and gallops off into the night. The sheriff arrives in town by dawn, with the sun already peeking over the horizon. The sheriff walks into a nearby saloon and marches over to the counter. The barman slides over to him. Sheriff: Howdy. Have you heard any firing out last night? Barman: I don’t think so, sir. Would you favor a glass of whiskey? Sheriff. (sighs) No, don’t think so, barman. Not the best for me right now. The sheriff sighed again and flopped down onto a stool. The bartender took pity and quickly filled a glass of lemonade. He slid it down the counter at the sheriff. The sheriff glanced at it and took a small sip. Barman: Are you feeling better? Sheriff: (he pushes the glass away) Eh, not by much. The sheriff leans back and takes a deep breath. Barman: Balderdash! You are feeling better and you know it! All these people say they’re good when they’re not, and they’re not when they are good. Now take another sip. You can’t say no! The sheriff sighs like an old man and obliges. He drains the glass empty and gives it a shove towards the bartender. The bartender nods approvingly. The sheriff tells the barman of his recent nightly experience. Barman: So, some rustlers (crooks) tried to bushwhack (ambush) you, now did they? From what I can see, they didn’t succeed. Sheriff: Well, I don’t know why they would want to get me with a couple of canisters (pistols). I haven’t done any harm! Barman: Well, I don’t know, but if this happens again, you’d better shoot them back, you hear? Sheriff: Yep. With that the sheriff gets up and strides to the door. Outside, he hops onto his horse and gallops away to his office. His deputy is sitting on the front steps. Sheriff: Howdy, Roy! Roy: Howdy James. How’s it been going? C’mon, you can tell old Roy anything here. Oh, and before I forget, Samuel T. Kirk is in town tonight. James: (excitedly) Really? Roy: You betcha. If you’d like I can arrange for him to come over. James: Excellent. Just the thing I need. (Later that day, at around 5 o’clock, the sheriff was hanging about the saloon, looking up about every five minutes. He noticed a dignified looking man walking down the street opposite. He had a golden pocket watch and had the aura of somebody very rich. He thought no more of him when finally, the man came.) Sheriff: Samuel T. Kirk. Pleasure to meet you. Sam: James Earnhardt, the pleasure is all mine. James: So Sam, I heard that you’re gonna be staying in town tonight. Sam: That I am, sheriff. James: We still have a couple hours of daylight. How’s about you come down to my office for a little chat? Sam: Sounds good to me. (They both go to the sheriff’s office) Sam: So, how’s it been going around these parts? I haven’t visited your town in ages. Tell me everything. James: Nothing unusual has really happened, but one thing did occur last night. Some thieves tried to ambush me for some reason. They missed, but boy, what a fright! (Sam was about to say something when all of a sudden a disheveled man rushes into the room, panting hard. He had a gold chain protruding from his front pocket, and he was wearing a bowler hat. Then, James recognized him as the man from the street. The man suddenly crumples to the floor, out of breath. Sam rises to go get a flask of whiskey. When the man comes to, he props himself up against the wall.) The rich man: My name… is… William Harper. Now, have either of you fellas heard of the Kingstown Region Mine? (Sam shakes his head. James thinks for a little bit and then his face lights up.) James: Yes. Isn’t that the one near the old ghost town? I’ve been there once. William: Well, then I must inform you that I am the owner of that mine. And up until recently me and my daughter have lived a happy and untroubled life. But just yesterday night, my daughter was kidnapped. Let me tell you what happened… I’m not a young man, as you can see. Poor Anna’s mother passed away when Anna was just 4. But I still go out on some little adventures with my daughter. And so it was on one such little adventure, we were going to the old ghost town that I own, you see, that my (16 year old) Anna was kidnapped. We were trekking with Anna’s dear bodyguard and caretaker, Albert Rutherford (approximately 18 years old from his job description), down one of the service entrances of the mine. We were almost in the main tunnel when suddenly, shots rang out. Albert crumples like a piece of paper and topples to the ground. I ran behind a tall stone. Anna starts screaming. Suddenly, a masked man comes around a corner and stuffs a gag in Anna’s mouth. 3 other bandits, all masked, appear from the darkness. The surrounding miners scatter. I stood up and rushed out of there. I saw a carriage moving away from the mine, and then I came to this town, hoping to find you. When I saw you on the street, I wondered who you were. But when I learned that you were the sheriff, I ran to your office. And so that’s the long and short of it. James: Well, it looks like we need to do some investigating. (Trekking through the ghost town, they feel crushed by the haunted looking ancient houses. The roads are full of potholes, and the air is stuffy and hot, nearly unbearable. The crumbling dwellings loom over them from time to time, and threaten to fall over. It is a spooky and creepy place to be, and James didn’t want any more of it.) William: We’re almost at the mine now. It’s just around the next bend. Sam: When you talked about them ghost towns earlier, I never imagined this! James: Don’t worry Sam, this town isn’t huge. The mine is on the edge of it. (Suddenly, in the middle of the town square, William stopped. He reached down and pulled a hidden lever. Suddenly, there was a dull pop and a big manhole cover sprung open.) William: Secret entrance. Only I know about it. There ain’t no way they got down through here! (Not possible)! Sam: Well, that’s just high class! William: That’s just about right. (They descended through the hole and climbed down the ladder within. When they were all safely down on the ground, the cover closed. The air was stale and musty, and there wasn’t much light around. William had a lantern, but it wasn’t much help. After about 15 minutes of walking, William stopped.) William: This is where they took my Anna. As you can see, through there is the main passage. And here is that tall rock I told you about earlier. And they came from where I was just now. I don’t know where they came from. Sam: Any other passages? William: None! James: I have heard of a driller who goes by the name of Levi Richardson, but he doesn’t live here. Anything else unusual? William: Well, there was this person by the name of Richal Dreivson. Apparently he wants this town. He refuses to name the reason. I believe he’s still haggling me for it. Sam: I think I can hear voices. Let’s leave now. (James nods. They exit the mine by the way that they entered, and William quietly shuts the cover. Suddenly cackling laughter is heard. They spin around to find themselves greeted by an entourage of four men, their faces hidden by bandanas. One of them steps forward.) The closest crook: Don’t move or else it’s goodbye for you. William: (secretly whispering): That’s the man from the mine! How’d he get here? James and Sam’s eyes widen. The crook (Levi Richardson): I said don’t move. One more word and I’ll bust your brains out. Now, meet my friends. Johnny! Davy! Charlie! What do we do with them people we catch? (Two more of the bandits started forward, with the third one tailing them at a distance. All three were burly and muscular, and the first one reached down for his revolver. William, James and Sam took off at a run. They heard several shots, but they all missed. They jumped onto their horses and galloped back to town.) (Back in the sheriff’s office, a glass of whiskey passed around by Roy soothed their nerves.) James: Who was that man? And who were those other people beside him? William: (trembling) I think that those are his thugs, Johnny, Davy, and I think that the last one was Charlie. Sam: Who was the other man? William: That I don’ know. I wonder how he knew where we were! James: You know, it really DID seem like he was expecting us, somehow, anyway. Sam: So, Will, you say that only you know about that way in. Seems to me that it’s no more a secret to us than it is to him. William: Well, I just don’t know. (The next morning, William stopped by the sheriff’s office once more. William and Roy burst through the door, waking up both James and Sam. Roy seems to be dragging something heavy. Sam quickly rushes over and helps William in. The heavy object is revealed to be Charlie, but tied up from head to toe. Roy rushes outside and looks around.) William: Last night, I was hanging around the saloon when suddenly this kind fellow appeared behind me and tried to bonk me on the head. I, however, shoved his club back and managed to bop him first. Then Roy comes running in the door, having been watching Charlie. So… here he is. (William takes off Charlie’s gag and unties him. Sam aims his revolver at Charlie.) James: So, it’s my man Charlie. So who was that man you were with? Charlie: I’ll never talk! I’d rather die! James: Suit yourself. Roy: Yep. (Charlie surges to his feet. He launches himself at James, and falls. He trips Charlie and he falls down. James levels his revolver at him. Roy enters with a puzzled look. Charlie doesn’t speak. Instead, he took out a pill, swallowed it, and then crumples limply to the ground, seemingly lifeless. They search his jacket and find a business card that reads, “Driller Industries”, 606 Oakland Road. On the back the words “Ujnf ul tusjmf.” were hastily scribbled. All three men look at each other; a confused look on their faces.) Sam: (Slowly, with a puzzled look on his face, breathing rapidly) Ahaha ha… Um, what just happened? James: (frowns) What was so secret that he died for it? Guess we will have to look at the address. Roy: I don’t know anything about this matter, so I’ll just leave you to it. I’ll be down at the saloon. (Roy leaves. Everybody looks at each other once more.) Sam: So, I guess it’s back to the old town. (Back in the ghost town, the trio (William, James, and Sam) begin to investigate.) James: So were you reckon we should look? Sam: Maybe in the bank? James: Uhhhh… Sure, why not? (Will tiptoes over to an ancient looking house with gold trim. William scraped away dust from the name. It read “Kingstown Region Bank” and beneath it it said, “Partnered with Solev Richards”) William: This is the place. I wonder what that card said. (He looked at Sam. Sam was deep in thought. He was repeatedly muttering different words under his breath, as if trying to find combinations. He nodded at William, and then looked back down.) James: Y’know, it looks to me like some sort of code. Beats me what that is though. (They quietly walk inside the building. The floor creaks ominously beneath them, threatening to buckle at any moment. Suddenly, the door shuts with a bang. They can hear creaking above them, and then it stops. A very tinny metallic sound strikes their ears. The sound almost resembled lockpicking, as though somebody was trying to break into a safe.) James: Oh. I just remembered; what do you think Richal… What’s his name wants this town for? William: He refuses to name the reason. Whenever I ask, he hangs up. But I don’t think that it’s about money though. Sam: I got it! The words on the card said “time to strike”. (They hear slamming noises and a tremendous crash. Roy runs down the stairs, revolver in hand.) Roy: (urgently) Quick, to the stairs! (Everyone starts running up the stairs. When they get to the next floor there is a broken window. Glass shards litter the floor. James runs to the window and looks outside desperately. Nobody is to be seen. Sam looks at Roy quizzically.) Roy: When I saw you leaving through the window of the saloon I also saw a black horse tailing you. I left the bar and started trailing the black horse. When you had arrived in the ghost town I saw him turn around and leave. I was about to do the same when suddenly I saw the rider jump off and run to the bank. He shut the door and left a small round orb with a small string attached to it. As soon as I realized what that orb was I ran through the back door to pick it up and defuse it. I managed to stuff it into a nearby empty metal safe just a second before it went off. When the dark stranger heard the bang, he turned around and started to come back with a rifle in his hand. So now here I am. Don’t worry; if we get out of here he won’t know we’ve survived. (Just then they hear a door swing open. Stomping footsteps sound on the stairs.) Everyone hides behind a safe. Then, the stranger comes through the door. His face is masked, and he wears a dark suit with a big black floppy hat. He carries a rifle in hand, his finger on the trigger. He looks around the room, peering into every crevice. He spins around and heads into the next room, grumbling unhappily. Roy taps them all on the shoulder. They all turn around. Roy hands them all a revolver with one shot each. They stow the revolvers in their pockets.) James: Phew, that was close. (Sam and Roy nod. They stand up and tiptoe into the room with the stranger. Roy suddenly jumps over and tackles the stranger. Sam sits down on his legs. James bends down and rips off the masked man’s bandana. William picks up the rifle and aims it at the man’s face.) William: Richal Drievson?! Sam: Isn’t he Levi Richardson? Levi: How did you know? Sam: First of all; James said that he had heard of a driller by the name of Levi Richardson. Second, Charlie’s front pocket contained a business card with Driller Industries on it. And third, the card has “Time to Strike” written on it. All of that points to you. Also, William recognized your face. (Suddenly Johnny and Davy rush into the room. Johnny knocks into Sam and pushes him off of Levi’s legs. Levi scrambles to his feet and bolts. Davy is locked in combat with James as William and Roy are chasing Levi. Suddenly a shot is heard. Johnny crumples to the ground with Sam holding up the pistol.) Sam: I didn’t mean to, but he pushed the trigger. (They all leave the room. William runs up the stairs panting.) William: He’s going for his horse, come on! (Levi Richardson rides away toward the mine. Roy ties up Davy. James squats in front of him. William holds up his hands in defeat. He squats down alongside James.) James: So… Davy, I want to ask you a couple questions, alright. Now, this is for your own well being so I recommend that you cooperate with us here. Lemme be straight forward. Cooperate, or you’ll meet your maker. Now that I’ve threatened you, let’s get to talking. Davy: I won’t tell a dang soul. (James leans in and presses his rifle barrel to Davy’s chest.) James: If I were you, I would reconsider the last statement of yours. Davy: (Nervously) Nuhhh-uhhh, I won’t do such a thing. NEVER! James: Well then… (James grips the trigger tight. It makes a loud BANG, and Davy falls limp. James brushes himself off and chucks the rifle out of the window. He blanches at the thought of it.) William: Let’s go catch that Levi. Sam: Yep! (They rush out of the bank. Their horses were by the house across the street. They mounted their horses and set off in pursuit of Levi, with William at the lead.) (Levi stopped his horse by the mine entrance. He dismounted it and took out a belt and two pistols. He goes into the mine and shortly reappears, dragging Anna by the hand. He straps on the belt and loads the pistols. William arrives and draws out his revolver. James stays mounted and pulls out a pistol. Sam takes out a small rifle.) Levi grins evilly. “So let’s get this over with. A shootout here and now. Who draws first?” He spread his hands. William fingers the revolver in his belt. James adjusts his hat and glances at Sam. Sam pushes a bullet into his rifle. Suddenly, Levi shoots. Roy falls with a small cry of pain. James jumps off of his horse and crouches by his side. He picks up Roy and puts him onto his horse, nodding to Sam as he does so. Sam mounts the horse and gallops away to the town. James slowly turns back to Levi. Levi inserts another bullet into his pistol. The sun glints off of the hard metal. He puts the pistol to Anna’s head. James moves forward. Levi puts out a cautionary hand, and flicks the safety switch. “Don’t come any closer, or she’ll get it!” Levi tightens his finger, lightly pushing the trigger. Suddenly, from behind Levi, a loud bang echoes through the dry, desert air. Levi collapses without a sound. William lowers his hand, and speaks softly, in a nervous, shaky voice: “I had to. I couldn’t let him touch my Anna.” James smirks at him. “Well I guess that’s it. Great job partner.” Anna pipes up from beside them: “I-I-I was s-so scared. I thought that I was really going to have it there.” Anna rose to her feet and ran to hug her father, her hair flying out behind her. From her father’s tight embrace, she looked out at James and smiled warmly. (Fin.) End of flashback. (Turned out the mine had a load of gold in it, which was really good for James, since his office needed a renovation anyways.) Then William found out about the MANCM (thanks to the MANCM meddling around in the multiverse chain and accidentally merging James’s timeline into the Earth-1111 timeline) and a lot of other stuff happened. Anna started following James around a lot, as she apparently wanted to learn his ways and become a sheriff. Anna eventually stopped doing that, as she had to go to school. James really appreciated that, and then Roy muttered something in Sam’s ear which made them both chuckle lightly. James appeared to hear it, and his face went dark. He took out a t-shirt cannon and blasted one into both Sam and Roy’s faces. Then he took a door off its frame and chased the two. (Wonder what they were talking about? Never mind. It doesn’t matter too much.) Anna was last seen being bored. (Meanwhile, far, far away, the Ancona clone is mass-producing himself in a factory. He is building an army, and he plans to conquer the world.) Then something happened: Remy and Bagel arrived at headquarters from Orthanos III! Ethan, Ayan, Matt, Hank, Joe, and Yash greeted them warmly with king-size extra-fluffy beds and an all-you-can-digest breakfast buffet. Remy (the resident wizard) and Bagel (the cyborg puppy) will be very important soon! Take a break from reading. You earned it. Blink. Sleep. Eat. Read. Swim. Exist… Return.


The Second Part:

Detective Samuel T. Kirk shows up at the MANCM base, and Ethan talks to him, remembering the time Kirk defeated a bank robber who was actually a realistic villain for once. Suddenly, an alarm rings. One of the timelines is being temporally changed. Multiple banks in different times have been robbed, likely by someone from the 1800s. The MANCM prepares a time machine space-insertion slot, and the mission begins. Kirk and Ethan are sent to meet Remy during the 1800s of the target timeline (the location of the first robbery), and Sheriff James Earnthardt and Deputy Roy Saunders also show up. Then, they visit the bartender. (Who’s actually a sleeper agent who protects the timeline from minor anomalies.) He gives out some lemonade. (Yes, lemonade. In the 1860s.) After that, everyone present heads to the bank with their gear. Levi Richardson (the main thief, Matt may have had encounters with him in the past) is seen quickly frolicking into the local state reserve bank and coming out with a load of money and gems, along with Anna Harper (a smart young girl of about 18 years old, but also slightly mischievous), who is being held hostage by Johnny (the loyal mascot/disposable body shield), Davy (the planner), and Charlie (the thug). William Harper (the banker and father of Anna) is next to Albert Rutherford (Anna’s former bodyguard) chasing the thieves. (He didn’t die, he just needed some blood donations.) Levi and his gang get in the convenient plot device (time machine), and away they go to the 20th century. Everyone else gets in the shrinking DeLorean hybrid car and gives chase. James, Roy, Sam, and Remy split up from the group and look around a warehouse for clues when suddenly with a breaking window effect, a caped figure breaks through the window. He looks threatening to Ethan, who narrows his eyes, until suddenly the cape comes off to reveal Sherlock Holmes! (Modern master of locks and keys) Watson comes down on a rope ladder shortly after, but fails to look impressive. (Meanwhile…) Ethan, William, and Albert run along the rainy streets of London as thunder crashes and lightning splits the night sky. Ethan summons his robotic pet, a puppy who happens to look like Snoopy. Duplicate Snoopy (Bagel) sniffs around and leads the others to some random expo. Levi is stealing a car. Then he goes into a back door. Ethan rams his way through a steel door, terrifying Levi, who is trading with some beings from another world. However, the aliens next to Levi don’t seem to be happy about the door being destroyed and start firing their photon disruptor array hand-held cannons. “Ba Phew! Ba Phewww!” Bagel turns into an air blaster (he can turn into almost any tech, so he can be classified as a plot device), and Ethan starts blasting pressurized air out of the nozzle, knocking out some aliens. “Blam… Blam…” Levi’s thugs wield alien prototype flamethrowers. “SHEWEE!” Roy and Sam take cover behind some boxes and metal beams as the fire heads their way. Anna trips Johnny and proceeds to roll away even though she’s tied up, but she rolls right into the time machine and accidentally activates it. William and Albert (referred to as Harper as well for quicker storytelling) run into the machine, but then the door closes, the device reactivates, and then the device vanishes. The aliens produce a second time machine and follow suit. Remy and the others show up at a breakneck pace as they run into the main compound, leaving small explosives and detonating them to eliminate the alien tech. (Insert sound here.) James takes out a chronological molecule tracker, and utilizing it, he tracks the villains to 2020. The bartender uses his brief foresight abilities to see the villains chasing the Harper family through a crowd of confused, mask-wearing people. James, Roy, and Sam travel to 2018, grab the alien tech stored in Area 51, and “accidentally” leave some, causing mass panic in America’s guards and president (causing “Raid Area 51”). The sheriffs leave quickly. In the distant future, Ethan and Remy show up on the Airship (multiversal iteration number 245798, server unknown), crashing through the hangar doors on a small hovercraft. They come face to face with a large armored vehicle. Ethan and Remy dodge just in time as the tank rumbles forward and falls out the back of the Airship. Remy turns on camouflage and heads in to find the safe. Remy goes to shut off the security, knocking out every guard in the way. Remy gets to electrical and sabotages it (not the engines, those have secondary engines). The lights dim. Ethan uses a grappling hook and quickly grabs the gem hidden in the vault so that Levi can’t steal it. Alarms ring, and Ethan and Remy warpgate out of there as fast as they can. A showoff is about to begin. Ethan recalls what happened to the others as they meet up in a secret prototype supersonic jet headed for Levi’s location. (In the flashback:) Levi Richardson and his thugs survived somehow… (aliens rescued them for their own purposes) and then they found some more aliens who were willing to help them. That’s how the situation got to this point. Now, he stands with a scar across his right eye as he glares at the new jet flying over his head. Remy, Ethan, the detectives, the bartender, and the cowboys drop out. Ethan drops down with his “Flying Shoes!”, which are copyrighted, and there is a doc with their design. Ethan also sells bionic arms. (Blueprint is accessible to some people.) Remy rockets to the scene in his nuclear vending machine mark 0, (also copyrighted, blueprints pending) which activates its landing wheels and lands sideways. Inside the ship, Remy savors some soda. The others all have parachutes emblazoned with a big “E” on them. Levi is wearing a patch across one eye. Anna goes, “War… War never changes…” Mr Rogers (a monster) is dragging Anna and the Harpers along. (The Harpers got caught.) Then suddenly Albert’s suit deploys blades, cutting the ropes that bind him! He pulls out his weaponized briefcase which fires a metal baseball (007!) and umbrella sword, terrorizing Mr Rogers into fleeing as Albert’s briefcase turns into a (eco-friendly) car and he drives after Mr Rogers, very possibly “accidentally” running him over. (Nobody was harmed in the making of the story.) William gets to work untying Anna. The bartender’s skin comes off to reveal a metallic suit and cape. Suddenly, Pennywise shows up out of a dark sewer with his signature yellow (Or was it red?) balloons and drags Sherlock and Watson away as they scream loudly. The bartender leaps down into the smelly sewer after him, chasing Pennywise. Anna, now untied, hides behind her father and peeks out from behind his shoulder. Everyone is left wide-eyed, and Levi takes this chance to run. Ethan throws his convenient Bagel frisbee and it knocks Levi out as it flies toward him and then tackles him in dog mode. (Problemo Solvo.) The cowboys drag Levi back to their native time, but not before they watch a few movies on IMDB with Remy. Ethan gets himself some popcorn and goes to see where Sherlock is, finding him back in his office with Watson and the barkeeper. Pennywise’s legs are seen sticking out of the garbage can as he unhappily grumbles about being hungry. Albert falls into a time portal due to one last attempt by Levi to escape, which then immediately closes. (This is going to cause a sequel to exist now!) Now, Albert is stranded somewhere in the 22nd century. William is seen heading to a hotel in the 22nd century with Anna, hoping to run into Albert again. For good measure, Ethan gives all of the stuff Levi stole to William. (He’s Robin Hood!) Unfortunately, Ethan cannot interfere with the timeline anymore, so he can only wish William good luck and send him on his way. Remy realizes that the rest of Levi’s thugs are nowhere to be seen and leaves. Ethan shakes his head, realizing the aliens may be causing trouble. (Side note: Ethan can walk on water because he retconned that fact from oblivion somehow. This may be useful later. His retconner now has to recharge and cool down. He can also levitate and use telekinesis, but the strength of these powers are rather limited. However, his trivia skills are still as good as ever. Ethan’s brief origin story, narrated by… himself: So once upon a time, I was abused a lot at my school by bullies with some supernatural powers. Of course, nobody believed the stories. But then, on a visit to the school library, one of the bookshelves opened up. Inside, I found a special manual that gave me a new set of powers and revealed that I was “somehow popped out at the beginning of time by some unknown maker to help them fulfill their goals.” I didn’t accept that (I had amnesia at the time), and chose my own path, leading up to today. First, I got rid of the bullies. I built an entire pocket dimension and used the manual to help me use my brain power to actually bring literal ideas into reality. This is actually a made-up cover story. The end.) (Alert: this sentient fifth-wall recorder is being manipulated by an outside malevolent force. Unable to… error. One solution. Initiate ejection of infected records. Purging old memories to delete all viruses…) (Now, back to the main storyline. More Earths are being brought into the timeline and merged into the world. We will return after a brief hiatus. Ethan is currently building his spy car and messing with more timelines.) The alien hunt has begun. Also, Ayan’s shirt got dirty, so he panicked for a bit. Then, Ethan finds the alien homeworld, but the aliens fired a giant disintegrating laser at him which he gathers the energy from and throws it back at the screaming aliens. The homeworld (Plus whoever “Scary Dude” (who is only here for a brief cameo) is, along with the thugs.) is obliterated, and so… the alien hunt is finally over. Meanwhile, the old “Unity and Lamborghini” universe was merged into this one, and the old universe was deleted from existence with the perma-delete button. The original story is now here: “Harry Potter and Newt are facing Voldemort at Hogwarts School during the events of the final book!!! Suddenly, a still-alive Snape randomly runs over Voldemort with a Lamborghini. However, he is blasted to pieces by the now-raging Voldemort. With no option left, Harry and Newt unleash their wand’s full power on Voldemort (by pulling the tips off and then throwing them at Voldemort), who disintegrates. For no reason that universe is destroyed by the resulting energy and fused into one timeline. Till all are one. That is told by Newt, and it is definitely true. The end.” This is for Ayan, who wanted to know the full story. Matt adds, “I’m going to buy myself a Lamborghini!!!” (Which is shortened for ease of viewing, because his sentence took up pages.) A school play is ruined by a bunch of dancing cats in a helicopter which blows off the ceiling and starts spewing memes everywhere while chanting “We are cats!” (Sent by Arjun. That guy has a great sense of humor, and an even better… I lost my train of thought.) The focus will shift to Albert’s adventures, but there needs to be an explanation for all the plot holes, plot devices, plot hole fillers, time machines, possible retcons, overpowered artifacts, major events that somehow happened, broken logic, and convenient items throughout the story. Ethan has now invented whatever a Shirtable is. Patent pending. Also, Remy created the extra garlic cannon to counter P. He loads a bag of garlic into a tube with a hand pump on one end. He then modified the design to be handheld. It was that easy to make! Sadly, it was never mass-produced due to a large number of… reasons. Then everyone forgot that thing existed for a few years. (End of the second part of the trilogy.) (Hey, it’s me, the new Watcher, here to announce that It’s time for a prequel! Wait, who’s behind me… !!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’m sorry, leave me alone, I won’t steal the spotlight again!) The third part of the trilogy: (Albert will return in the story “Agents of Tomorrow: Beginning”) which details the events two years after the Great Time Heist. “Albert Rutherford (Nighthawk) is known as a master secret agent, looking for his family while going on missions around the globe fighting crime after being trained by a secret spy ring. Meanwhile, William Rutherford, who is a time-displaced wealthy businessman under the alias of Leonard Lockhart, continues searching for his missing butler while taking care of his young daughter, Anna, who is going under the alias of Stella. Thieves will be captured, hostages will be taken, old familial bonds will be tested, time travel happens, aliens visit, Ethan will not appear (maybe), and old secrets will be revealed.”)


Agents Of Tomorrow: Beginning

London, 2123, near Big Ben: Under the cover of night, a spy dashes along the streets of London, chasing an unknown thief, who drops a smoke dispenser. The thick smoke obscures everything until a pair of rear lights on a car shine through the darkness as the car drives off. The spy fires his grappling hook from his handheld multi-remote. The grappling hook flies through the air and hooks onto a rooftop nearby. The spy presses another button, sending him flying through the air towards the rooftop, where there is no smoke. As he landed on the rooftop, his com-glasses beeped. “Nighthawk, do you copy? This is Falcon speaking. LEGACY’s satellite array has just detected the target heading southwest from your location.” Nighthawk’s advanced technologically-upgraded glasses zoom in through the fog. A red outlined figure is in a blue car driving towards the coast. The spy’s cloak billows in the wind, which whistles as the rain pours down and thunder crashes through the sky. His glasses are a darkened shade of gray. The spy leaps in his own car, a customized silver-gray Mercedes-Benz designed for optimized speed and better control. Suddenly, the master spy gets a flashback to previous memories: A gentle, caring master, and his young, strong-willed daughter who was always curious. The spy shakes his head and clears his thoughts. Then he starts the car and activates its high-speed chase mode. The car’s engine roars as the car speeds off, tracking tire marks on the ground using its advanced spectro-analysis technology embedded in the front bumper. Not long after, the car Nighthawk was chasing came into sight. The car is a white Rolls-Royce that is going at a far higher speed than it should. Nighthawk presses a button on his car’s dashboard, which activates the nitro fuel, giving the car a brief speed boost. The Rolls-Royce turns a corner, but the Benz catches up. It fires its grappling cables and both latch on to their intended target. Then the hooks at the end of the metal cables release a controlled shock. The Royce skids and slams into a wall at high speed, sending shrapnel all over the place. The front window shatters, and a shadowy figure exits his smoking vehicle and runs up a stairway. As he closes in, Nighthawk suddenly hears a sound. “Albert!!! Come play with me, Albert!” He remembers two names: Anna and William. He notices the thief getting away, and uses his staff’s capture function to fire a cable at the thief, who dodges with superhuman reflexes and counterattacks by pulling out a spear that crackles with electricity. The thief rapidly hits Nighthawk with the spear. Luckily, his new reinforced hidden coat armor saves him. Nighthawk uses his whip (his cane’s standard weapon mode) to disarm the thief, who then pulls out a pistol. Nighthawk’s rapid reflexes allow him to dodge the shot with ease. He then uses his hand-to-hand combat skills to overcome the thief. Fast forward 10 minutes. The thief is wriggling around on the floor, wrapped by sticky cables. Nighthawk stands silhouetted against the night sky, watching the sun slowly rise. Police sirens appear in the distance. Nighthawk gets back into his Benz, and engages the towing cables. He drags the smoking wreck of the Royce down to the shore, with the defeated thief in the back of the car, in a secure holding cell. Then the Benz turns into its submarine mode. Fins slide out from the side of the car, and engines pop out from the engine trunk. The Benz rolls right into the sea, eventually making its way to an underwater ravine, where a secret door opens, which reveals a submerged bunker. After the entry locker has been drained of water, the Benz returns to driving form as another door opens. Nighthawk drives down a passageway until he arrives at a heavily guarded door in a wide, blank, white, space. Automatic sentries roam around the surrounding area, and massive turrets flank the sealed door. A robotic scanner on an arm pops out of the ceiling, scanning the vehicle. It ensures that Nighthawk is indeed the one driving his car. With a hiss of air from powerful hydraulics, the heavy twin door splits in half and retracts into the walls. Nighthawk drives into the mostly-empty, spacious garage. Inside, a large array of robotic arms built into the bunker power on and begin to disassemble the wrecked Rolls-Royce, while a track built into the storage bay slowly begins to take the Mercedes-Benz off to a repair hangar. Nighthawk exits his car and opens the rear door. The thief tumbles out and tries to roll away, but Nighthawk calmly knocks the thief unconscious. Then, Nighthawk puts his captive on a special conveyor belt that quickly takes the thief to processing. Then, the young agent presses a hidden button in the wall, revealing an elevator, which he enters. As the elevator whizzes down its shaft, Nighthawk looks out the elevator window at the wide facility and tries to recall his past. Its operatives mill around. He only recalls passing out after passing through a bright light. He then remembers… a group of suited people grouped around a figure who smiles. Then he remembers training hard and becoming one of LEGACY’s top agents. But he now recalls another set of memories. The Wild West, the 1800s. William Rutherford hires Albert to be a butler and caretaker for Anna Rutherford, William’s young and vivacious daughter. Anna quickly became attached to Albert, tagging along wherever he went. Then, Levi and his thieves arrived in town, and everything changed. Then, the elevator dinged, announcing that it had reached its destination. Albert looks up. Meanwhile, in New York: William Rutherford sighs and paces his room. It is well decorated, and the lighting illuminates the whole room. In the corner, Anna is curled up on a couch petting her pet cat. Anna sighs and grumbles, “Daddy, I’m bored. Kitty here isn’t running around like you said he would.” William smiles somewhat tiredly. “Sorry, he was the best I could find. He’s cute though, right?” Anna enthusiastically nods. At that moment, a butler opens the door. “Master William, Miss Anna, your breakfast is ready.” Anna gets in the elevator and presses the button. They descend. Nighthawk is back at his lab, doing a DNA test on himself. He gets a crime alert on his radio and zooms off in his car. As this happens, a hand comes through a portal and grabs the test and a spare DNA testing kit. Anna skips out of the elevator merrily and goes to get herself some breakfast. William leans on his cane and smiles. Behind him, Kitty meows. Elsewhere nearby, a hand reaches through a portal and drops a DNA test from Albert, and also a second DNA test. A few minutes later, as Anna finishes her breakfast (which consists of toast, maple syrup, bacon, and eggs), William happens to look through a window and notices the DNA tests (left by Ethan, of course) on the windowsill. He grabs them and stares at them. He then realizes that the marked one, which is labeled “Nighthawk”, is actually Albert’s, and then he realizes that the other DNA test is meant for Anna. He heads over and asks Anna to put her hand out. He then realizes he doesn’t know what to do, but the device scans Anna’s DNA on its own, displaying it. William gasps, but Anna doesn’t notice, too busy playing with her cat. William slips the tests back in his pocket and heads back to his room to think. There, he sees a new article on the TV about a secret agent called Nighthawk, whose name was leaked to the world. The last name was still unknown, but the first name was… Albert. Meanwhile, Anna decides to go shopping and goes to get her coat. Kitty follows her obediently. Anna opens the door and walks briskly down the street to a shop called Newbury Fivers (It mainly sells chairs and furniture, and it also sells clothing and jewelry. Levi wanted to rob this place, but he didn’t due to time constraints.), which happens to be right above where Albert’s secret base is located. The door to the shop opens and Anna enters. As this happens, in another city, Nighthawk is busy chasing another thief through the streets. The gentleman he is chasing turns and attacks with a cane, which opens to reveal a gleaming double-bladed sword. Nighthawk leaps back and from his cloak, he pulls out a handle, which then rapidly extends its many components into a rapier. Both of the swords clash, sending sparks flying everywhere. The gentleman presses harder on the handle of his sword and then sweep-kicks Nighthawk to the wet ground. Nighthawk then suddenly draws his sidearm (a customized Remington E5), and fires it. A small orb flies out and hits the gentleman, shocking him and knocking him out. Albert ties up the thief and gets back in his car. The rocket booster in the back trunk pops out and propels the car forward at an incredible speed. Back at headquarters, Nighthawk gets out of his car. He is greeted by Falcon, who leads him to the elevator. Both head to another part of the secret LEGACY base, where they suddenly get an alarm. A group of mercenaries has entered their base. Security has been compromised. Nighthawk and Falcon exchange looks and dash towards the secure lockdown room. Meanwhile, William finally catches up to Anna when she sits down at a cafe. He shows her the news and the DNA test. Anna looks up. “Is it really him?” They enter the shop and go into a side room labeled “Out of Order”, not noticing the sign. Suddenly, they fall through a secret trapdoor and land on a platform. Armed men appear, but Albert appears and dispatches them. Suddenly, Albert realizes that he was badly wounded. Falcon’s signal had turned off, and Albert didn’t bother looking at the cameras. He knew the base was already breached, and he was now the only agent left. Albert passes out as a bright portal opens up. Anna runs over and cradles her brother’s head in her arms as a figure walks out. A masked figure walks out of the portal and removes his face covering. “Time to get you home, Albert…” Anna, still kneeling, mumbles, “Is that really you?” The figure lifts William onto a stretcher. “Yes. It’s me. Anyways, let’s go home.” Anna puts Albert on another stretcher, and then walks through the portal. The figure pushes William and Albert to the other side of the portal as well. “I want to become an agent like you,” Anna said. A mask of a smile flitted over the masked figure’s face, before the figure looked away with a sigh of some resignation. “Not yet. Someday. Sorry I was late, the time machine has been malfunctioning lately. The unique nature of this timeline means that we can only access it at certain points in time, unlike other universes. Bagel!” The small hound appeared, barked and looked at his master, who whirled around and left, leaving Anna next to the two cryogenic pods that held Albert and William. Anna realizes the figure left behind a time beacon. She opens the casing and finds a note: “Don’t cause too much of a mess, please.” Anna smiles to herself, as she begins messing with the time beacon. On the other side of the portal, Ethan holds up a mysterious artifact, a keyboard. In the keyboard, empty spaces for keys begin to glow. As the device pulses and vibrates lightly, Ethan takes out his canonical scanner, rushing into a portal. Sometime later, Matt is in the cargo bay of the USS Reliant, (Hawaii class) sister ship of the USS Alaska. He peeks out from behind a box as Ethan, shrouded in shadow, speaks to a figure. “Vincent, how are you doing?” The mysterious figure steps into view. “I’m doing good!” Matt recoils in shock. “Good? Great! Happy to see you again! Ok, remember what I told you right after you appeared last week? Nobody else can know that you are an avatar. I found a ship you can serve on as an officer. This ship is the Excalibur II, a secret side project I developed from Yash’s blueprints. Your job will conceal your identity, since we can’t have other people finding out about this. It seems Bagel and Falco aren’t actually avatars, rather, they are fully formed from Canon, complete Canon creations. This means that since you were the last to appear here, you are the last avatar. You even have time manipulation powers, so that’s all the proof I need. My friend, you are my final backup plan… which hopefully never needs to be used…” Once Vincent had teleported away, Ethan turned and said, “Matt, you can come out now.” Matt slowly came out with his blaster drawn and ready for usage. Ethan just turned. Matt asked, “Was that really him?” “Yes, now, put that ultrablaster down and don’t tell anyone about this. I figured out why we keep getting attacked. The Mary Sue program failed for a reason. I think that there is a mole within our ranks. Make sure you are careful about who you trust.” (The end of the Time Heist trilogy.)