The Jungle
November 30, 2022
There’s a tangle in my mind
I call the jungle
Filled with regret and sharp worries;
I see you in it sometimes;
Others it is you.
At times there is no mind,
Just the entity beholding me, bewitching me,
Bespoken entry lay you, bricks on the walls of my mind
You infiltrated.
I don’t speak, only cry out
As you numbly take hold of me,
As everything but logic welcomes you,
The tragedy you bring with you, do
Please leave.
Though I’ll just yank you back again,
And the strings, heartstrings you use like a puppeteer,
To command me when
I thought I was in command,
When I was the one in charge,
When I thought I’d gained the upper hand…
But you’re taller than me.
You always had the upper hand, I’m too small, too weak and frail,
To deny your hand, your words.
Though you treat me so senselessly, I try to make sense of your jungle,
Of my pain you hurl, of the fragments of my soul you take apart
Like a puzzle, I’m puzzled-
Who am I
To you?
Am I even someone?
Am I man, am I reason, or am I
As senseless as this poem, built on
Sparse thoughts, nights you seem to forget
Or you didn’t experience at all.
Maybe I forget it’s my jungle, and not yours,
And though you climb through my branches again
And again
And again
And again
Till your image is scabbed and bruised
In my mind.
I stay clean
In yours.
I stay untouched
In yours.
I stay protected in my longing
In yours.
Perhaps I am not the center of your jungle
As you are in mine.