President Trump taps Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS Spot

February 6, 2017
On February 1, 2017, President Donald nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the open seat on the Supreme Court. The seat has been vacant nice the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year.
Since, 2006, Gorsuch was a judge on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is in Colorado. He is an outdoorsman who is a graduate of Columbia University (undergrate), Harvard Law School (JD, and where he was classmates with former President Obama), and Oxford (doctorate). Gorsuch is known to have conservative leanings, like Justice Scalia. Supporters of Gorsuch’s nomination believe that he is the ideal replacement for Scalia, and that he will rule with a literal interpretation of the US Constitution.
Gorsuch has been known to oppose deferring to what is called the regulatory state and euthanasia. Gorsuch also has been known to rule in a more traditionally liberal way when cases regarding criminal law or religious minorities come up, unlike most conservatives.
Gorsuch will have to be confirmed by the Senate, before he is officially a Justice of the Supreme Court.