BOTC 2016 Sparks Marlboro’s Spirit

November 30, 2016
In Marlboro High School, Battle of the Classes is one of the most spirited events of the year. Each grade, represented by 14 elected participants, competes in an event grounded in sportsmanship. However, everyone knows of the bragging rights that are at stake.
The competitive nature ramped up during school hours with Penny Wars and Theme Day. On Theme Day, the seniors brought James Cameron’s Avatar to life, dressing as the exotic, blue creatures. Yet, the sophomores stole 1st place with their theme of board games.
On November 22nd, the main competition began. Hundreds of students filed back into MHS on a dark, frigid night. Everyone aligned with their respective grades and cheered for every moment until the final whistle was blown. The BOTC members fought for every point: tossing eggs towards each other, racing across the gymnasium, and performing dances.
In a tight finale, the seniors edged out a victory, only winning by a 5-point margin. The entire class of 2017 rushed down off the bleachers, cheering in unison. However, each team and grade cheered until every throat was soar. BOTC is about the competitive nature and school spirit: all of which were present throughout.