Grey Rain

Remy Serbinenko


Grey sky,

Grey clouds,

Grey road,

Grey cars,

Grey roofs,

Grey houses,

a World of Grey, of Same,

Of quietness.


All the same,

In rows and columns,

All Grey. 



Rain dripping,

Rain pouring,

Rain sleeting.

Rain dripping from shingled roofs. 

Rain pouring from the sky.

Rain sleeting from the clouds,

Bidding us all forget.


Forget who we are,

What we’re doing, what we’re thinking,

Bidding us all to rest, and think of nothing.



Leaves falling,

Leaves twirling,

Leaves dancing in the rain,

In a Grey World, under Grey Clouds, in a Grey Sky, 

careless and thoughtless,

in the spur of the moment.


Free of thought,

Of care,

Of obligation,

Of need. 

Free from All the World, 

twirling and dancing in the Grey Rain,


While all else is asleep and Dreaming.