Coastal City of Lagos Battles with the Rising Sea Levels


Sika Vrlaku

Home to more than nine million people, Lagos, Nigeria is currently being met with the consequences of one of the city’s most dangerous floods. Between the months of March and November, the coastal city of Lagos faces back to back flooding, though during mid- July, the city came to face one of their worst floods yet. Statistics show that more than two million people in Lagos were affected by the flood. These individuals had to witness their vehicles and homes being submerged into the filthy water. By bringing attention to their situation, many have decided to post about their conditions on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Resident, Eselebor Oseluonamhen spoke about her struggles, quoting that ¨There was heavy traffic on my route because of the flood. The more we went, the higher the water level.¨ In the past year, it is said that about sixty-nine people lost their lives due to the dangerous conditions caused by these floods. Many believe that the problem is rooted from the horrible draining systems in Lagos and the city’s current issue with overpopulation. As a result of these floods, researchers assume that by the year 2100, this coastal city along with others will be uninhabitable as the sea levels continue to rise and climate change will continue to be an issue. Researchers also predict that the sea levels will rise more than six feet by the end of this century. 


Solutions ?


As the residents of Lagos continue to face these floods, many realize that it is time to consider crafting ways to make the city adaptable to climate change and to be able to withstand the floods by creating barriers and other structures to barricade the city. The authorities of Lagos, spoke about the city’s efforts in cleaning out the water channels since the flood. Since many believe that the draining system is a possibility of why the floods take such control of the city. Lastly, President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has announced the country’s willingness and desire to work with other global allies in overcoming the dominating issue of climate change.