Will Live Action Movies Be Here To Stay?


Michael Ward

Over the past couple of months I’ve noticed that most of the movies that have come out are animated and it made me think if that was going to be the trend. Movies such as Pixar’s “Soul” aren’t affected by Covid-19 as live action movies like “The Batman”. It brings the question as if there will be a shortage of live action movies if the Covid vaccine isn’t available.


Animated Films and Video Games can be easily made from home but with movies with huge casts and a production team it’s harder to get everyone at the same place at the same time. If an actor gets sick and is near other people who are important to the film who knows how long the delay will be till they can start filming again. It really shows the drought in different types of films.


These examples also make me think if the quality will be affected. If an actor or staff member just recovered being sick, their performance helping the movie might make a scene worse. Hopefully the Covid vaccine will be available not only for the movie industry but also people wanting to go back into movie theaters.