Logan Gives Jackman a Proper Send-Off


Josh Laufer

17 years after becoming the iconic Wolverine, Hugh Jackman goes for one final ride in Logan. This neo-western film, directed by James Mangold, strips away much of the flashiness and spectacle associated with superhero movies. Instead, Mangold has crafted an intimate film about a tormented mutant, Wolverine. It weaves into the cinematic universe established by the previous X-Men films, but also acts as its own stand-alone feature.

Hugh Jackman sees himself in a role unlike in any other X-Men flick. Set in 2029, Logan is a reluctant hero. He is forced into action when a child in need arrives at his hideout. Mutants are nearly extinct and Logan has no intention of drawing attention to himself.

Although this is a Marvel film, it is not to be taken lightly. The action is gruesome and chilling. The world is visceral and cruel at every turn. It’s a cat-and-mouse movie where more blood waits at each new venue.

Logan’s amazing performances were a given with the likes of Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart as headliners. However, the intricate plot and character depth was shocking. The characters of Logan and Charles Xavier are explored more intimately than any other X-Men film. Likewise, the cinematography was superb. Each frame is picturesque as the heroes move along wasteland terrains in this western-dystopian blend.

However, the film is bogged down by its script. The run-time of the movie could be reduced and the film would be the same, if not better. Eventually the onslaught of fight scenes feel like overkill and don’t carry the same awe as the ones in the beginning. The dialogue occasionally feels hokey and the plot formulaic. Those moments, however, are few and far between.

Hugh Jackman’s final portrayal as The Wolverine was a success. One of the best superhero movies to date, Logan was the proper send-off all fans hoped to would be made. Logan keys in on the human intricacies and relationships of its heroes, while not forgetting it’s a superhero film.
Final Score: 8.5/10