The Doll-maker of Porcelain Heights

Alyssa Cirillo, Author


Richard Conders: A 38-year-old doll-maker obsessed with perfection. He classifies his dolls as works of art rather than playthings, so therefore he hates children. Upon seeing Emma and her beauty, he obsesses over her and clouds any rational judgement, falling into madness.

Emma Alexander: a 28-year-old married young lady who passes by the shop with her cousin Mia every day to get to her job as a tailor. Despite her outer beauty, she’s much tougher and wiser than she seems.

Mia Vinders: Emma’s dimwitted and oblivious cousin and co-worker. Walks with Emma every day to her job.

Trevor Alexander: Emma’s husband. Unknown to Richard to be Emma’s husband, despite meeting him in the shop once before.

Alice Alexander: Trevor’s and Emma’s 7-year-old daughter. She’s a cheerful youngster who loves and cares for dolls.

Amelia Conders: Richard’s deceased mother.

Young Richard: Richard at 14 years old.

Old Townie

Townies #1, 2, 3, 4

Two Officers

Scene i

(The year is 1902. It is a warm summer’s morning, 10:00 to be exact. To the stage left, unlit, is a street that tends to be bustling with people going to work. One of the shops that share the street with a sign hanging off its wall reads “Conders’ Dolls and Delights”. The windowsill dividing the shop from the street, as well as the shelves in the shop, is filled with hand-made dolls, each with a variety of colored hair, skin, eyes, and clothing. Each doll has something unique about it, yet none of them wear hats on their heads. A cash register is also seen on a wooden desk. To the right is the entrance to the workshop. The workshop itself is neatly kept, with closed drawers filled with different parts, fabrics, and paints. Tools are arranged in a way so the doll-maker knows exactly where each tool is. It is behind the desk in the workshop where RICHARD CONDERS is sitting, working on a doll. Being a perfectionist, he makes sure that each follicle of hair on the doll’s head is perfectly placed. He is almost done with his latest work.)


And…(He places the last hair.) done. Now all you need is a nice dress. (He goes into a drawer and slips a fancy dress onto the doll.) Now you’re ready to join your friends! (He picks up the doll and fills an empty spot on the shelf in the main shop, then looks outside.) Ah, the working crowd is out and about now. There’s Jack Dimes and his boy walking by now. Mrs. DuVall on her way to old Mrs. Weathersworth’s. And there’s young Carl, late for work again. Every day it’s the same, imperfect world outside.

(As he goes to get up, he hears the ring of his door’s bell. Entering the shop is young ALICE ALEXANDER. She eagerly looks around inside the shop.)


Hello? (She reads the shop’s sign.) “Conders”? Is anyone here?


(Aside.) Not another child in my shop. (To ALICE.) Where’s your parent?

(TREVOR ALEXANDER enters the shop, finding ALICE inside.)



I’m her father, sir.

(ALICE runs around the shop, searching for dolls.)


I’ve yet to see you here, before.


Allow me to introduce myself, then. My name is Trevor Alexander – my family and I just moved here two days ago, so I’m here looking for a gift for the new home.


You’re not planning to buy a toy for the child, right?


Her name is Alice. And yes, we’re here for a toy.


(Looking at one of the dolls.) Daddy! Come here!

(TREVOR walks to ALICE.)


(Holding up one of the dolls.) This one looks just like me!


Indeed she does. The only thing she’s missing is her hat.


And it’s better that way. A hat would take away all the effort in creating her. This doll is no good-


Can we buy her? Please, Daddy?



All right, Alice, we will. (To RICHARD.) How much for the doll?


Fifty dollars.


(Appalled.) Fifty dollars?!


It’s difficult for me to send them off. All of these masterpieces are special to me. These are all hand-painted, down to the last weave or fabric or touch of paint. And it always ends up ruined when placed in the hands of…


Children? If you don’t wish to rid of your dolls, why do you still sell them? Just so they could fit on another shelf?




I’ll be good to her, sir! I promise!


Alice is always good with her dolls. Please, for this one time. She wants a good first memory of Porcelain Heights. I’ll pay the fifty dollars.


(Begrudgingly.) Very well.

(TREVOR hands the money to RICHARD, who then places it in the register.)


Thank you, good sir!



Have a nice day, Mr. Conders.

(ALICE and RICHARD exit together stage left.)


(Upon them leaving, sighs, annoyed.) If it weren’t for the fact that I have to make a living off of money, I never would have sold that doll. Can dolls be an art-piece to be wondered at, anymore? For example. . .(He goes to a doll and picks it up.) this one . . . I spent five long hours creating her, three on hair alone. Children cannot appreciate what was done to create her. Heh, that day, I sacrificed my lunch break to finish her. (As if he were speaking to his dolls.) My dear, only friends! Despite having to be sold to both the vermin and the true appreciators alike, thank you all for keeping me company. It was I who have created you, and I appreciate what you have done for me in return of creating you! My mother, God bless her soul, did not have to lose everything when she left me with this shop. And I cannot let her lose everything from my hands. (Walks center stage with no light except for a spotlight.) You taught me everything I need to know to sustain the shop.

(The stage right lights turns on, revealing YOUNG RICHARD, standing in front of the door to the workshop. He is watching his mother, AMELIA CONDERS inside of it, working on a doll.)




The door is always open, Richie.


(He enters the workshop.) Mother, I’m 14 years old, now. You don’t have to call me Richie, anymore.


You may not call yourself that anymore, but that’s what you always will be to me, my little Richie.


Don’t call me that, please…


Now, where did I leave off from yesterday? It’s about time we talk about the future, Richie.


I have already promised that I will be its heir.


(Smiles.) Now, Richie, you know I can’t stay here forever. I wish I could- it’ll be difficult for me to leave my work behind. However, you don’t have to only think about your generation of this shop. Think of the future as well. Promise me one day, you’ll have an heir of your own that you can teach as well, and share this experience with someone you love, just as I had done with your father.


I promise!


Now can you pass me that follicle of hair?

(YOUNG RICHARD nods and gives the hair to AMELIA, and the lights turn off over them. They exit stage right, leaving RICHARD under the spotlight.)


She did so much for me. And I must keep her promise before I lose my chance.

(The spotlight turns off, and RICHARD exits stage right. 

Scene ii

(Evening, same day. Taking up stage left is the streets bustling with activity with some workers heading home, while stage right is the shop. Among the TOWNIES walking was EMMA, sweet in appearance and wearing light pink. Alongside her is MIA VINDERS, her cousin and co-worker.)


How do you like Porcelain Heights, Emma?


It’s quite a fine town, I must say. Although it bears quite a strange name.


I don’t know where it came from, either, but it’s not my priority to find out. I’m so glad you’re here, though! I never had family here, before!


Glad to be with you, Mia.


So what did you think of ol’ Mrs. Waterworks?


You should be glad Mrs. Weathersworth isn’t around to hear you call her that. I don’t want us to be fired.


Can you blame me? She’s been crying a whole lot! I don’t know why, and no, I haven’t asked either. I was…busy with my tailorwork.


Now you see why I kept my distance from you, today. I just wanted to make a good impression. You nearly got us late.



Mrs. Waterworks is used to me being a bit tardy.


I’m sure she is. (She notices the doll shop.) Ah! I didn’t know there’s a doll shop on this street!


Huh? Oh, yes, that’s Mr. Conders’ shop. His dolls are always so pretty!


Are they handmade?

(The lights inside the shop turn on, revealing RICHARD, looking back out of the window, in wonder of EMMA.)


They are handmade! He always dresses them up so nicely!


I’ve noticed!

(All the TOWNIES, EMMA and MIA included, freeze in their places as the spotlight focuses on RICHARD.)


(Still looking outside.) Who is that woman? I’ve yet to see her around before yet… if she had been here for a while, I’m sure I would have noticed. Her face…it’s so doll-like. And I can notice every detail of it. Blonde hair as golden as the sun rays and eyes as green as the grassy fields! A few freckles, but not too many, speckle her rosy cheeks, and that lovely dress! I do not love easily, but when my eyes beheld such perfection, I cannot look away. I must meet her at once!

(The lights turn off over the shop, and the TOWNIES, MIA, and EMMA unfreeze)


We should get home, Mia.


Hm? Oh, yes! Home! You mean before-

(RICHARD enters the street from the shop entrance.)


Ah! Good evening, Mr. Conders. It’s rare to see you outside of the shop!


(Sighs.) Mia, that’s not how you talk to someone.


(Curt, to MIA.) Good evening, Ms. Vinders. (To EMMA, more welcoming.) Oh, hello, you’re new around here!


Yes, I believe I am.


Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Richard Conders, the owner of this doll shop here, running for four generations of the Conders family.


My name is Emma –


There was no need to introduce yourself, Mr. Conders. I already said your name.

(EMMA gives MIA a questioning look)


It was only proper, Ms. Vinders. (to EMMA) Emma, you work with her in Weathersworth’s tailor shop?


Yes, and Mia is my cousin as well.


You see my dolls here? Do you like them?


They are quite lovely.


And you pass by this street every working day?


Most likely?


Wonderful! Then we could cross paths again! I hope that is the case!


(Awkwardly.) It probably will be the case. Well, we should get going home now, right Mia? Remember what we talked about?


Oh, that’s right! Sorry about the short conversation, Mr. Conders!


Safe travels, Emma!



(MIA and EMMA exit stage left.)


Yes! She’s the one! Oh, Emma, such a beautiful name! Her personality is not frail, either! She has got a man’s mind! I do not understand why she would stay around that dimwitted cousin of hers. She’s too fair to be with someone like her, after all. (He looks up to the sky.) Mother, if you can hear me now, I can proudly say that I



have found someone that I spent seventeen years looking for! Not just any woman in Porcelain Heights – the perfect one! She appreciates the beauty of my dolls! That’s a sign! However… I wonder if she’ll visit my shop by her own will one day. I cannot wait for too much longer before she gets wooed by some other stranger! (He turns to the doll shop entrance.) You know what? I’m not ready to go home yet. I have an idea for a new doll.

(He exits stage right through the shop.) 

Scene iii

(The next morning, doll shop int. and ext. Lights over doll shop int. RICHARD is seen replacing a doll on the windowsill with a doll that bears features similar to Emma’s.)


There, my dear. You’re welcome to see the world, now. (Holding the doll he replaced the Emma doll with in his hands.) Mother, I’m going to woo my newfound love of my life, just like you wanted. With the doll, I want her to notice all the effort and specialty I put into making one just for her! Then, she’ll come in and thank me, and something can blossom from there! The shop can live on for another generation, and I will teach my child the same as you taught me when they are of age. Emma and I could then grow old together, till death do us part!

(The lights turn off over the doll shop int. and turn on over the doll shop ext. On the street, EMMA and MIA enter and look at the window of the doll shop.)


(Suspicious.) That’s funny…


What’s funny? It’s only Mr. Conders’ dolls.


No, no, this one out in front!


Huh? (She looks at the window.) Oh I see it! That is funny, she looks like you! Is it a “Welcome to Porcelain Heights” gift?


I don’t know what it is. From the way he acted with you, and how you said he rarely exits his shop, I don’t believe he would typically be the type of man to do something like this.


Why, you only saw him with me! Maybe he is actually a gentleman!


If he were truly a gentleman, then this is certainly a strange way of showing it. (Pause, wanting to go away from the window.) You don’t want to be called out by Mrs. Weathersworth at the shop, right?


I guess not.


Very well, then, we’ll go!

(MIA exits stage left. Before leaving, EMMA turns back and looks at the shop window again.)


Mr. Conders… what is running through your head?

(EMMA exits. The light turns off over the exterior and back on at the interior, RICHARD still there.)


(Desperate.) It didn’t work….Emma….Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma… why do you have to be so elusive?! (He goes up to the window, leans up on the shelf of the windowsill, even pushing aside other dolls not alike to Emma to make room for his hands.) I only want to have you visit my shop! Is it too much to ask? What will it take to get you to do so? (Looks at the Emma doll.) Unless… I need to impress her even more. I can prove that I can make a masterpiece more than once.

(ALICE enters the shop.)


Hello, Mr. Conders!



You again?! I thought I already sold a doll to you! Where’s your father?!


Outside, good sir! I’m finding a doll for my mommy! (Points to the Emma doll.) That one-


(Aggravated,) No! She’s not for sale! She never will be for sale! You father could not give me one hundred, one thousand, nor even a million dollars for my precious beauty here!


(Scared.) But-


Especially not to vermin like you! Go! Leave my darling alone!

(ALICE, terrified and crying, runs out of the shop.)


(Sighs.) That was too close, my sweet Emma. (Holds doll close to him.) I will protect you from those demons, Emma. I will never let their grubby hands take you away from me. Not now, nor ever. Now where was I?

(RICHARD exits stage right.) 

Scene iv

(One week later, evening, doll shop ext. There is a small group of TOWNIES gathered around the window of the doll shop.)


Are you seeing this, Carol?


Look at these dolls! Does he expect us to only buy that one design?


And he closed his shop for an entire week to create this?!

(EMMA and MIA enter from stage left.)


Huh? Why’s everyone standing around the doll shop’s window? Isn’t it closed?


You can barely see the inside! Look! Look!

(The TOWNIES step aside, revealing that all the dolls on the windowsill have an appearance like Emma’s. EMMA, startled by this, steps back.)


They’re… they’re all me!


Must he make that many welcome gifts for you?


My God, Mia! That’s not the point! All of these dolls here… they’re all me. That’s not a deed a normal person would do.


Insanity, it seems. He’s creating the same thing over and over again, yet he expects a different result.


What kind of result?


(To EMMA.) He seems to be obsessed with you, young lady. Love can make a man do mad things. I’ve seen this in many forms before you were even born.


Love?! But he can’t love me!


Doesn’t he know you’re a married woman?

(The TOWNIES gasp and mutter amongst themselves.)


Thank you for saying something logical for once, dear cousin! I can’t accept this confession!


He’s in love with a married woman?!


The old man’s right! He’s gone mad!


He could be dangerous! Just in case, shall I contact the asylum?


We’ll join you!

(The TOWNIES, except for the OLD TOWNIE, exit stage right, running.)


(Weary.) Emma… what are you going to do?


(Hesitant, but brave.) I… I need to fix this. I need to talk to him and tell him.




I need to clear the air, Mia! I’ve yearned to talk to him for a long time, ever since he scared away my poor Alice! I’m not afraid of him, Mia. No matter the reason for this, I’m not going to be stopped.


He’s crazy! Emma, you can call me dimwitted all you want, and I can see why you can perceive that! But as your cousin, I care about you, Emma! I don’t want you to get kidnapped, hurt or… worse!


You’re Alice’s mother? Then, before you go in, Mrs. Alexander, there are some things you must know about that doll-maker. I remember when he was a child, running around the shop. His mother, who left this earth a decade ago, had high expectations for him, I hear. Most of it revolves around wanting to have an heir to the shop, the next generation to keep the Conders’ name moving forward through the years.


An heir?!


I recommend you tread carefully, Mrs. Alexander. Mr. Conders is persistent, and is willing to do anything to fulfill his mother’s wish.


Thank you for your warning.



Emma… if you’re really crazy enough to do this, then I’m going in with you-


No, Mia, I don’t want anything to happen to you, either.


(Terrified.) Emma! Please, don’t!


I thank you for your concern. (Takes a deep breath in and grabs the doorknob of the shop’s door.) Wait here, Mia. If I do not return in fifteen minutes, run to the authorities.



(EMMA exits through the shop door.)


If you wish, I’ll spare you the trouble and summon Mr. Alexander.


That would be kind… thank you, sir… I need to wait here. I need to make sure she can get out!

(OLD TOWNIE exits.)


(Stammering.) Oh God… oh dear God… please, God… make sure all is well for Emma Alexander!

(Lights turn off)

Scene v

(Doll shop and workshop int. Dim lights over shop only, not workshop. The shop is now in disarray, with shelves upon shelves of the same doll. The dolls that were on the shelf before are now either tipped over or on the floor. The only dolls still upright are the ones that look like Emma. The shop itself is no longer as neatly kept – the cash register is open and the door of the workshop is slightly ajar. EMMA enters through the door and looks around.)


Hello? Mr. Conders? (She goes over to one of the Emma dolls and picks it up.) What kind of work is this?

(The workshop lights up, revealing RICHARD behind the door of the workshop, slowly pushing it in. The workshop is in disarray too, with unfitting parts and fabrics that doesn’t fit Emma’s description scattered about. Tools are messily arranged on the desk, among them a pair of scissors. RICHARD eventually opens the door while EMMA’s back is turned, and slowly walks up behind her.)


(Trembling.) Do you like my dolls, Emma?


(She jumps back, startled.) Mr. Conders!


I’m…I’m sorry if I frightened you, Emma, dear. Please, call me Richard.


I’d rather call you Mr. Conders. Back to the matter at hand… these dolls… they all look like me.


Aren’t they beautiful? I know you said you liked my dolls before. I spent days upon days creating these all just for you. (He takes one of the Emma dolls and then closes the curtain of the windowsill, blocking out any outside light.)

(Door knocking is heard offstage.)


(Offstage.) Emma? Emma!


(He rushes to the door and locks it.) I made sure to fit every detail of your demeanor. Here… (Shows his doll.) here’s the one in the pink dress when I first saw you in. And here’s what you wore on Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday! Your work clothes!


Enough, please! I understand your point!


Do you?


You…you wanted to lure me in with these dolls, didn’t you?


I did, I did the best I could. Seems to have worked, since now you are here! By the way of my dearies, I succeeded! (Walks toward EMMA.)


(Stepping back.) I met a kind old man who told me about you, Mr. Conders. He said your mother had high expectations of you.


What parent wouldn’t? Mother had something she wanted from me, and I should fulfill it. You see, it’s not easy for me to be a fool like this. It was when I saw you. Your perfect face, your perfect mind, your perfect body, I realized that we were meant to meet. We can run the shop together. We could fulfill wishes and dreams together! Conders’ Dolls and Delights can live another generation! (He holds out his hand.) Yes, please, Emma, take my hand! All of your uncertainties will end, Emma! I will be your guide towards it! I can appease Mother’s wish!


(Takes in a deep breath, then matter-of-fact.) Would your mother approve of trying to woo a married woman?




Are you deaf? I said I am married. It’s pretty easy to comprehend.


Married?! You’re not married, you’re saying nonsense! A perfect woman such as yourself can’t already be married!


You’re the one saying nonsense, Mr. Conders. And I’m afraid I am.


(Defiant.) No… heh, no… you’re lying to me, right?! Is this your bizarre way of being coy?


No, it’s not! Look! I have the ring on my finger to prove my case! (She puts her hand up and shows the ring.)


No, that’s not a wedding ring! It’s not!


Look at yourself, Mr. Conders! I do not care whether or not you want to fulfill your mother’s wish, what you’re doing is wrong and just so… eerie. I know that you don’t mean malicious intent. But, please, sir, let me live my life with my family. I would have been kinder with you on this whole ordeal, but then I heard about what you said to my daughter.



You have a child?!


Her name is Alice. All she tried to do was find a doll for me as well, and then you shouted at her! You…you called one of the most precious things in the world to me… a vermin. (In a rash of anger, slaps RICHARD in the face.) How dare you treat a child like that! How dare you treat me and my family like this!


No, you don’t have a family!


Yes I do, you damned doll-maker! I will not join you, nor will I ever! Porcelain Heights is now seeing your true colors! They are seeking help for you! (Attempts to escape through the door, but finds it locked.)


(His denial turning into anger, pulling EMMA to him.) I don’t need any help! You do not belong to any family! They are all a lie! I saw that God put you on this earth for me for a reason! I will not love anyone else, because you belong to me!


I will never belong to you! (She breaks free, then stumbles back onto one of the shelves, and flinches her hand back at the sight of the dolls.)


(He brings EMMA to the disheveled workshop.) You will, Emma! You can learn to love it here! You can learn to love me! You can learn to leave everything behind! All I will do is give you time!


All these words are coming from a man who refuses to leave everything behind! Please… just let me go! Unlock the front door! Meet your fate for your irrationality!


(Trembling.) I…I… I can’t… I can’t…do that…I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t! I can’t let you go, Emma. I will not let you go. I cannot let you go… (His hand moves on to the desk, blindly looking through the tools.)


What are you-?


(Broken.) You…you want to leave me… back to your husband. You’re refusing your fate, Emma. You are not meant to be with him. You are meant to be with me. Whatever it takes so I won’t be alone.  And if you don’t start being the good little doll you are… (Picks up a pair of scissors and holds it in front of him.) I’ll have to make it guaranteed you will stay.


I… I thought you wanted an heir. If you do-


(Stepping forward.) I do want an heir! And I need you to stay here to do this!


(Backing away to the workshop door.) If you kill me, you’ll have no heir to speak of.


Even if I have no heir, I do not want to be alone! I can’t stand running this shop with only my dolls as company, anymore!


(She puts her hand on the doorknob of the workshop door.) I am the only one that decides my fate.

(EMMA opens and runs through the doorway to the main shop, closing it behind her as RICHARD ends up stabbing the door with the scissors. EMMA tries to keep the door shut, as RICHARD tries to open it)


No!! Don’t leave me! I don’t want to rot here!

(EMMA blocks the door with a wooden plank and then looks at the window. RICHARD is still trying to get his way through the door. In a hurry, she runs to the cash register and brings it to the window, hitting the cash register on the window. After a few hits, a SHATTER sound effect is heard. She drops the cash register.)


Goodbye, Mr. Conders.

(EMMA exits through the window, and RICHARD gives up trying to get through.)


(Offstage.) Emma! Emma, are you okay?!


(Offstage.) Oh, thank God!


(Offstage.) Trevor… Mia…


(Offstage.) Let’s go. You’re safe, now…



(Breathing heavily, he puts the scissors down and goes on his knees.) What? What happened? Did… everything happen that fast? Mother… I’m sorry… I failed you, Mother… I… I wish a lot of things. I know you can’t hear me, Mother. (Miserable.) Really… what…what have I done? What kind of doll-maker… no, what kind of person was I?

(AMELIA enters the stage in the back of the workshop, looking at RICHARD with a blank face.)



Your words were immortal to me, Mother. I wanted to make sure I fulfilled your wish… I remember those words as if it were yesterday…


Think of the future as well. Promise me one day, you’ll have an heir of your own that you can teach as well, and share this experience with someone you love.


Was… I really planning to use those scissors? What had this situation done to me? They’re… they’re right to call the officers. I guess… I really have gone mad, haven’t I? I’m… I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mother, for disappointing you. I’m sorry, my masterpieces, for throwing you aside for a hopeless dream. I’m sorry, Alice, for scaring you. I’m sorry, Mr. Alexander, for trying to steal your wife. I’m sorry… (Bringing himself to say it.) Mrs. Alexander… for being blind this whole time.

(A pair of OFFICERS enter the doll shop through the broken window. They go to the workshop’s door, puts aside the wooden plank, and open the door, finding RICHARDS defeated, looking down. They prompt RICHARD to follow them, and he does. On his way out, he attempts to pick up one of the dolls on the floor, only for the officers to stop him. He had to let it go. He slowly lifts his hand and looks back at the officer. He continues trembling as all three of them exit through the window of the shop.)

(Curtain Fall.)